Training War with eSouth Korea Begins

Day 1,152, 20:27 Published in Japan Japan by KITA Ikki

Training War with eSouth Korea

eJapanese prepare for the training fights

The training battle in Gyeongsangnam-do has begun! Film crews for the international film festival in Pusan (if anyone is intereste😛 will document the training and publish photos later.

There was some discussion about a possible region exchange, as mentioned in the official government newspaper here, but in the end, we decided not to do it. There still remains some political instability in eSouth Korea, leading to erroneous law proposals on their side, but this should not affect the end result of launching the training war which will give our economies a boost as well as eJapan an alternate option for fighting, in case the eBulgaria war winds down.

Before fighting each day, I ask all eJapanese citizens to please read and follow the [orders] articles that the JIA newspaper publishes in order to maximize our efficacy in each battle.

eJapan does have its angry citizens from time to time and we value their contributions, too

Part of what makes eJapan (and eRepublik) fun is the disagreements and political "drama." I highly encourage all eJapanese citizens to read the articles, take a position, and be a "joiner," *especially* Members of Congress. Vote and subscribe to the newspapers you like, read the national forums, and make your voice heard.

Country President, eJapan