Top 5 reasons I'm voting Woxan and why you should too

Day 771, 15:50 Published in USA USA by Harrison Richardson

So, it seems the US forums are down. We (the Admin team) hope they're going to be up quickly, but we're never sure of how quickly. Rest assured, we're (and when I say we, I mean PigInZen) doing all we can to get them up as quickly as possible. However, this gives me some time to write again, so I'm going to talk about the election. I've been a pretty outspoken but cordial critic of the Jewitt administration, I'd like to think, and it should come as no great surprise to anyone that I support Woxan for his bid as President of the United States. There are plenty more than 5 reasons why I like Woxan, but I'm going to narrow it down to that many for you here:

Woxan's platform

5. Woxan's promise for a Federal Auditor, appointed by Congress

This was something that I worked hard on during my term as President, but I never thought to give Congress the chance to appoint an individual. Having someone appointed by Congress given oversight and broad access to internal spending documents will greatly enhance the transparency of our Executive Branch. Also, the Federal Auditor would serve as a person who could provide suggestions to streamline processes to make sure budgeted funds get to the right people on time so it can help them. The Federal Auditor's role is to make sure funds are being spent in the right place and are being done in the most cost-efficient manner.

4. Promise to use diplomacy before war

One of my biggest complaints of the Jewitt Administration has been the continued declarations of war. By last count, we've had 3, which totals nearly 5000 gold just in declaration costs. That doesn't include the monies used by tanking and arming military forces. The US undoubtedly spent a pretty penny attempting to take Kyushu, only to be granted free passage merely days later. Perhaps only to me this seems like a glaring diplomatic error. Did so much change in President Dokomo's eyes in those two days that he flip-flopped on a position, or did the US State Department not adequately relay our position and our diplomatic offerings to the President to convince him to allow us free passage? I trust Woxan will hold up this campaign pledge in his (potential) term.

3. Promise to place allies over all else

This is a tactical approach I have always advocated. Back when Sweden and Germany we were at war, we were pushed to support Germany, a more or less neutral nation, versus an invading Sweden, a staunch ally. We couldn't back Sweden's invasion, but our neutrality proved that we will stand by those who stood by us for the entirety of the game preceding that event. As with Spain and Romania being invaded, we have to show that the might of the US Armed Forces is not only used for our own gain but for the continued support of our allies. Spain helped the US out and arguably won Lioaning for us, it's only fair that we return the favor.

2. Promise to create a tactical rainy-day fund for future engagements

When I was President and we were being invaded, our coffers were relatively small. We had a couple thousand gold, but that was dozens of thousands less than what PEACE had at their disposal and spent during the North American invasion. Had we initially had more funds to use, we would have been in a much better position and been able to spend funds at the beginning of the war, stopping it before it ever started. Because of our limited financial capability, we had to resort to a war of attrition and willingly giving up regions because of a lack of funding to tank them or arm soldiers at times. Never again should this happen, and the proposition of a massive fall-back fund for such occasions is a great idea and one we should have done a long time ago. Emerick has always been a proponent on this and it's one thing he's definitely right about. Also, this will be helpful if we see massive changes in the new economic module and we need to use federal funds to adjust to it.

1B. Promise to keep and secure a high iron region and to use it to increase our military power

This goes without saying, but it's assumed that if we take PHOENIX's high iron and keep one of the extra regions for ourselves, the power of the game will shift massively towards EDEN. We will not only use this high iron region to create massive gold reserves, which serve as a deterrent to foreign invasion, but we will also be able to use the money to continue to free oppressed nations, as we've done with Greece, India, and Asia. This is the best course for our nation and I hope we continue on it.

1A. Ligtreb is his Vice President

Because he really is that awesome. Seriously.

There you have it. Those are 5 of the many reasons I'm voting Woxan in this election. We're lucky that we have two incredibly competent candidates for office this month, so let's count our holiday blessings. Gone are the days when Ajay Bruno can actually get on the ballot. O7 America, over and out.