Top 5 Party Survey

Day 2,187, 16:31 Published in USA USA by Gnilraps

Talking At The Same Time (Mandatory listening)
Day 2187 of the New World
15 November, 2013

In preparation for eNPR’s Friday (November 15th) evening Broadcast, I asked 30 top ranked members of each of the top 5 parties to fill out an opinion survey. I would like to publish some of the more interesting results so that you can join in on the conversation both in IRC #eNPR and by listening to the Broadcast.

The survey was designed to allow the members of each party to evaluate the other 4 Top 5 parties. I did this by sending a different link to each party, so if a participant lied about their party membership, I knew it. Several troll responses came in and those results were tossed out. Whenever a respondent selected his own party as a response, his response was not counted.

Unless otherwise noted, the higher score indicates a better score.

eNPR Party Survey Results

”Favorability Rating” - how much is each party liked by the members of other parties - lowest score = most favorable.
Federalist Party: 56
USWP: 65
WTP: 64
AMP: 66
LAP: 67

Which Party is seen as having the best “ingame presence”
Federalist Party: 22
WTP: 12
AMP: 2
LAP: 2

Most Successful in “Politics”
Federalist Party: 14
USWP: 16
WTP: 2
AMP: 4
LAP: 4

Party with the best “Military Awareness”
Federalist Party: 2
WTP: 8
AMP: 28
LAP: 2

Party doing the best job of “Player Retention”
Federalist Party: 24
WTP: 4
AMP: 2
LAP: 2

Party with the best “Meta Activity”
Federalist Party: 16
WTP: 12
AMP: 4
LAP: 2

Party doing the best job of “New Player Education”
Federalist Party: 18
USWP: 10
WTP: 8
AMP: 4
LAP: 0

Remember, the above rankings are reflective of how the members of each party view the other top 4 parties.

In the following section, I invited players from each party to respond candidly about each other. I ignored responses that did not directly answer the question. I have reprinted all of the rest of the responses just exactly as they came in.

Impressions about the Federalist Party
What is this Party’s “Primary Strength”?
*Media presence.
*Forum Activity
*... There's a lot of them and they're pretty active
*Strong party image
*The number of active members.
*Fluffly forum "activity" and General numbers advantage

What “Negative Connotation” does this party have?
*Weak leadership outside of their forum circlejerk. Poor understanding of the game, generally.
*They can be circle jerking entitled idiots.
*Arrogance. They're known for arrogance.
*We're awesome and everyone else sucks attitude
*Arrogance and an unwillingness to work with others. We all remember their reaction to the Paul Proteus unity election.
*Pretentious dickheads
*Elitist @ssholes
*Extreme Arrogance
*self promotion

Impressions about the United States Workers Party
What is this Party’s “Primary Strength”?
*The experience and the history this party has of being a past powerhouse.
*Bros with the Feds
*The USWP is the oldest party in the eUSA. they are extremely cunning in their use of politics to address the concerns of the humble worker in the eUSA.
*Experience and history

What “Negative Connotation” does this party have?
*Trolls... and Trolling.
*They have Pfeiffer as a member.
*Inactive zombies
*Elitist @ssholes
*Insular and insufferable assholes

Impressions about We The People
What is this Party’s “Primary Strength”?
*Using a glorious combination of Insurgio, Kittens, and Whales, the WTP defends America's Armed Forces with every fiber of their being, making sure that America's fighting men and women have all the supplies and support they need to defend the country on the front lines.
*Rah rah populist rhetoric.
*Mazzy Cat, and Oblige's money.
*Democracy for congress members
*They're led by entertaining people? [Like Talo and Mazzy]
*Accepting of anyone
*Getting newer guys involved based on actual intelligence/ability
*Doing what they're told

What “Negative Connotation” does this party have?
*pfeiffer enthusiasts (edit: ???)
*They have Oblige as a member.
*I think WTP is not capable of honoring their own commitments, even with other parties. They hold your hand and pretend to be your friends until the moment they will back-stab you.
*Essentially the bulk of their party is willfully ignorant.
*WTP can be too democratic.
*Bad leadership.
*Seen as weak on security
*Hivemind @ssholes
*Left wing liberals

Impressions about the American Military Party
What is this Party’s “Primary Strength”?
*Their resilience and endurance of resisting the changes of time even in the most difficult situations such as a PTO.
*The American Military Party, what more can be said. A vibrant party composed of some of the most active citizens in America. They are always willing to help a good cause and are the least partisan of all parties.
*They still hold the vast majority of politically active players from the MUs led by the JCS, this inflates their numbers enough to stay relevant.
*Military party
*Strong association with military
*Israel Stevens

What “Negative Connotation” does this party have?
*I think the problem of AMP is really the internal fights and bickering the party has or at least used to have. I am hoping the party fixed that issue in the past months.
*The are a dying party.
*Stubborn... arrogant... militant.
*They still hold the vast majority of politically active players from the MUs led by the JCS, emboldening some of their members to reach above their grasp.
*They are dying.
*Very low membership
*Seen as too pro-jcs and other elements who don't fight to orders
*Israel Stevens is an @sshole
*doesn't stand for anything anymore
*Right wing conservatives

Impressions about the Liberty Advancement Party
What is this Party’s “Primary Strength”?
*The fact of being a new party it raises a lot the expectations but it also gives a lot of room for the members to think different. I think this is an advantage.
*They knocked ajay out of the top5
*A party devoted solely to the rights of the common street walker and pole dancer. LAP believes that all sex industry workers should receive a living wage so they can fight on eAmerica's battlefields. (edit: um…?)
*Their youth.
*Being the new buzz.
*They're new, and they lack the "elitist" history of the others.
*New party so new ways
*Fresh new party with old faces and new ones, working together

What “Negative Connotation” does this party have?
*It's a manufactured party
*No established leadership.
*No structure.
*Too new to tell
*New, kinda misfits party, still no identity

I hope you will take the time to direct your attention to the eNPR broadcast in which this survey will be discussed. You can always call in (the phone number will be available in #eNPR and on the splash page at

Let the comments commence!

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