Top 10 Epic Fails in eCanadian History

Day 681, 12:50 Published in Canada Canada by Adasko
10. Dean22's Banishment

In February, the eCanadian Congress (or should I said raging anti-Dean mob lead by Augustus Baldwin) has decided to kick Dean22 out of Canada. The problem is that the bill was unconstitutional, and was only passed thanks to great manipulation of Augustus Baldwin, who used "lawyerish" arguments to prove, that the bill is thrown in under the old constitution, under which it was completely legal. Only recently in June, Dean22's Citizenship was reinstated, whereas a few days ago, the Supreme Court ruled in his favor, making it totally official and undisputable. Just a waste of time, kicking him out.

9. The DAL supporting Mendelson

It was July 09, a heated summer afternoon when koolmanjack has made one of the most controversial decisions in the history of eCanadian politics. He chose to support Andrew Mendelson from the CGP for President. This effectively ruined his reputation, as Party President. Why was this a problem? Because the DALers were more pro-Jacobi then kmj, who decided to do it just to take it to the man.

8. Cesar Augustus Citizenship and TO attempt.

After the Citizenship module was introduced and the constitution deemed null over the factual situation of Citizenship, another big banishment problem has shown. Cesar Augustus was a Canadian who earlier defected to the UK after Canada lost Nova Scotia. When coming back he claimed he was spying for Canada, however he never got any valuable intel, and he proved rather emptyworded. The CSIS deemed he cannot be trusted, and restricted him from citizenship. However, a young congressman called nicktheh, has decided that Cesar is indeed eligible for citizenship. After receiving it Cesar started wielding around accusations against Jacobi, running for CPP Party President in the mean time. Somehow, he received a large number of supporters, and the CSIS announced a TO threat. What really happened? Who knows, maybe he wanted to actually win PP for once to keep it, and manipulated a whole lot of people for it. Either way, this was all a massive fail.

7. Jacobi Impeachment Vote

A few weeks ago Tantis posted a impeachment vote against Jacobi, claiming that he a lot of people asked him for it. The vote failed totally, while Tantis left Congress, leaving behind nothing else then a legislation blocked for a week. Nothing personal Tantis, but that was fail.

6. The Prelude to the Hungarian PTO

Damn that one yard!

This is quite a controversial fail, however it was a big failure on our part, that just created problems for Us in the next day. Prior to the introduction of the Citizenship Module, July 25th was the last great PTO day for the world. Canada was Hungary’s target. On July 24th We have noticed a large increase in the numbers of a new party lead by a H. Nelson. It was called the Canadian Federalist Party, and was definetely Hungarian. This created a battle for the 5th place between the Federalists and the tied CPP and CGP. Finally when midnight struck, the CFP was 5th, receiving the right to post their candidates, when the CGP was… One member short. Two members would’ve been enough.

You won’t tell me that’s not seriously epic.

5. The Kommie Loan

That loan business was as fail as this ad

The Kommie Loan, was probably the one incident that killed Alex Rearden’s political future. Mr. Zillion-Months-as-MoF-Economic-Guru Rearden, gave out a 200 gold loan to The Kommie for a housing company upgrade. The company was upgraded to Q5, and then suddenly a few days later… Kommie shouted that he just sold the company for… 30 gold. It turned out that either a bug in the game or a misclick sold the company together with his Q1 wood company which caused the loan to be a government loss. Furthermore the contract was made in a way that made it unenforceable, as the penalty for not returning the loan was… Confiscating the company. OOOPS, that’s a blunder!

4. Donation to the Ministry of Finance

In a rather funny and benign occurrence within Congress, a blunder has turned against Canada when 50k CAD has been transferred to the Ministry of Finance by Derek Harland. The problem is that the Organization was inactive, while the real organization of the MoF was called the Canadian Ministry of Finance. Oh well, no harm no foul, as the money never affected the economy. Plus, this inspired Jacobi to create Revenue Canada.

3. COBRA Infiltration

Well, We all know the business, don’t We? A few months ago Augustus Baldwin, has decided to infiltrate the government, just because:
a) He needed attention (god damn attention whore)
b) He didn’t like Dean in Canada
c) He didn’t like Jacobi

So, COBRA infiltrates the government, sells the secrets to Tantis, showing how fail our security is sometimes.

2. French Toast

The famous attempted Invasion of France which ended in a ghastly fail and impeachment. A coordinated invasion of France, made by Atlantis too start WWII. Although Canada had initial successes, We ended up failing miserably, while Tom Hagen has been impeached. Guess We went the other way in WWIIII 🙂

1. The Granny Case

The Granny Case, aka the CND Money Scandal was one of the biggest blunders in eCanadian history. Long story short, one day in March (I believe) the Canadian National Defense Budget has been stolen. 35k CAD went all the way to a organization called The Evil One in Hungary. The person found responsible, was Gofarman, who supposably had a keylogger installed by a hacker. Some sources claim it was his grandma, some people also still think it was him. Either way 35k CAD went into the shitter.

Top 10 Epic Wins in eCanadian History.