Too much hate will kill you in the end!

Day 1,326, 03:12 Published in South Korea Romania by Clopoyaur

Hi South Korea,

First of all I want to congratulate everybody for the great baby-boom that we experienced in the last week. Having over 4000 population was something beyond my wildest dreams.

Still, as a former Minister of Foreign Affairs of South Korea I have to write my concern related to some articles I saw in the newspapers regarding a possible alliance with ONE countries in order to fight against China.

First of all, I must say I understand you anger towards China as in the past months many of our regions were under foreign occupation, mainly Chinese and Taiwanese. Also in the last war China played a serious role in helping Taiwan to fight against South Korea. Still, we managed to fight and with a great effort South Korea won the war and its regions were returned.

Yes, we were a small country back then, having only 500 citizens, and now we are 4000! Still, that is not a reason to look for revenge by any means. And also is not a reason to betray allies that helped our country during all this time.

In the last 4-5 months every small country in the area, be it North Korea, Japan, Philippines, Pakistan or India was wiped or mainly under occupation. In all this time South Korea was still on the map and survived thanks to the efforts made mainly by South Korean Dragons Military forces and by the diplomacy team I leaded. Furthermore, a small country like South Korea managed to enter a big alliance, Eden, strengthening its position in the area.

Thank to its allies, to its diplomatic abilities and to its army, South Korea is still on the map, has won the last war and had a baby-boom.

Still, as I see, blinded by hate, you want to throw everything to the garbage dump and throw yourself in a war that could compromise South Korea in E-Republik forever.

E-Republik is a strategy game about friendship, loyalty and military abilities. Once a country has betrayed his allies and friends will no longer ever be looked as trust able.

Even if Eden is now the weaker alliance, is the one that helped South Korea. Romanians and FSR fought like hell with their own money and supplies to win South Korea's wars, Bulgarians helped our baby-boom sending thousands of breads, Brazil, Greece or Croatia showed us their support by signing MPPs with us, even if we were a very small country. Are you ready to betray their trust and sign alliances with ONE countries just to fight against China? Are you willing to put your trust in ONE countries that never moved a finger for South Korea?

Yes, they have an interest in the area, they want to fight China, so South Korea might be useful for them. They will come, maybe will win, maybe will not, they will stay a while, but after that they will go.

In that moment South Korea will remain alone. ONE will have no reason to support it anymore while Eden will be already betrayed. In all this time, South Korea will still have as neighbors China and Taiwan. I know Koreans are people with honor and also people with a straight judgment.

Te majority of you don't even know the basic mechanisms of this game. Wait a bit, try to understand the game, try to grow, wait for your influence dealt in battle to grow and then take decisions. Dont let yourself fooled by people telling you that you can fight anyone. You cannot! South Korea is still a weak country in terms of damage. Of course, it can grow, but it can grow in times of peace, not in times of war.

If you want to throw away everything has been built so far in South Korea, me, as an experienced player and 4 times president of South Korea I tell you that you are wrong.


PS: I would be delighted if someone will translate this article in Korean.