Today's Weather Report: Rain turns into drizzle

Day 930, 15:24 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by elbanaan

Dear readers,

I come to you with a new concept: the Shitstorm Height Indicator Threshold Level, or SHIT level.
This SHIT will be an indication of the amount and ferocity of meteorological events in the putrid cesspool that is the UK forums!

I will give a daily summary of the raging topics of the day, and the main opponents. Each shitstorm will get its own SHIT Level (ranging from bird SHIT to the dinosaur in Jurasic park SHIT (the big one) ), and at the end of the article, I will make a forecast of future shitstorms.

#1 House of Lord removal invalid
Summary: The removal of Woldy & Karacticus has been deemed invalid by MoLa bowen199, as they were suspended as lords. Italy_1990 and Darkmantle disagree, eh makes lots of post and doesn't afraid of anything ( )

SHIT Level: House cat

We are just seeing the buildup of this I'm afraid, so start nailing those doors and windows shut. Personally, I don't see the big deal. Bowen should have just edited the legislation to make his decision fit, as common procedure dictates. This small stormcluster is expected to merge with the HoL-Italy butthurt supersystem, fueling it for additional days.

#2 Suspension of legislation
Karacticus proposed a pauze in legislation, reviewing all existing acts. The Weather Report Worker Union opposes this, as it will leave many weather reporters without storm fronts to report on.

SHIT Level: Ant
Weather Workers of the world, unite!

#3 Military Honours
Some well deserving chaps got some well deserved honours. Our radars indicate a large depression brewing among the older garde of the eUK military.
We predict rain, snow and a high chance of HAIL KUMNAA, so park your cars inside!

SHIT Level: Kiwi (bird, not the fruit)
I herd that elbanaan guy should get some award or honour, eh speaks his mind and doesn't afraid of anything.

Forecast for tomorrow
As previously predicted, the HoL-butthurt front is the main factor in the state of todays weather. It is expected to rage on for a few days.

Global warming is causing bikini-weather in all subforums. The exception today is the UKRP's forum. Members are advised to stay indoors, as it will be raining the working class' blood and sweat all day long.

I'm elbanaan, thank you for reading today's weather report.