Today's Weather Report

Day 929, 12:37 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by elbanaan

Dear readers,

I come to you with a new concept: the Shitstorm Height Indicator Threshold Level, or SHIT level.
This SHIT will be an indication of the amount and ferocity of meteorological events in the putrid cesspool that is the UK forums!

I will give a daily summary of the raging topics of the day, and the main opponents. Each shitstorm will get its own SHIT Level (ranging from bird SHIT to the dinosaur in Jurasic park SHIT (the big one) ), and at the end of the article, I will make a forecast of future shitstorms.

#1 Italian butthurt
Summary: Italy_1990 thinks darkmantle was better fit as MoLA then the one picked, bowen199. Resulting in butthurt and great drama.

SHIT Level: Rabbit
Woldy's intervention and the private talks seem to have killed this one rather quickly. Other topics on the same subject were started (, giving the shitstorm it's final rating

#2 House of Lords

The House of Lords shitstorm has not yet been dissolved. It started with some sounds coming from the lower regions of the forums ( asking for removal of 4 Lords.

The skies opened up, and the world turned brown with an explosion of a long brewing storm not much later ( Iain Keers, well known for his dislike of the HoL, proposed an amendment which would leave the HoL unworkable, and empty.

The pro and against HoL shitstorm then merged with the Italy_1990 butthurt depression (see previous topic, plus, creating a supercluster of negative energy, which destroyed everything on its path. Stormy weather was expected, but this sudden outbreak could leave many with distressed bowels for weeks.

SHIT Level: Elephant (African)
Folks, this is a big one. If you value your life and virginity, you're adviced to stay out of the Public Discussion section until the professional cleanup crew has finished its job.

#3 There's something rotten in the courts of the eUK

A lot of bawwing has been going on the new established courts in the forums, with a plejora of cases filed this weeken😛
Removal of the Lord Chief Justice:
And the Woldy trying to patch the courts back up:

SHIT Level: Parrot
The courts are a pretty fun place to spam (if you disagree: I'LL GLADLY SEE YOU IN COURT), however some afk'ing from the mods means it has gone out of control. Spammers and raegers are different kind of people who often stay clear of eachothers topics, which keeps this SHIT Level low.

Forecast for tomorrow
The negative pressure of the HoL typhoon will oppress smaller storms forming. Shitstorms are expected in the public discussion section. Our radar images predict blue skies in the news section, and windstil in all ministry subforums.

This night will have a clear sky in all party subforums. A rare astronomic event can be seen in the PCP forum, where falling stars will lit the nightsky in the red glow of revolution.

I'm elbanaan, thank you for reading today's weather report.