Today Is Our Day eCanada (dPM)

Day 705, 13:28 Published in Canada Canada by Derek Harland

Click on "Fight" for Canadian Citizen Battle Orders!

Today we as a country have a chance to take back our final region under enemy possession, Nunavut. For too long in this war have we had our country divided into occupation from our enemies and we need to put an end to that. Today we make that stand! If you can move, move to Florida in the USA and fight in Nunavut where we attempt to take back the final original eCanadian region in enemy hands. If you can't move, fight in Alaska Follow these orders and we will succeed in our mission for liberation!

Today is also the monthly congressional elections. eCanadians let's get out there and vote today and have a good voter turnout to represent the congress as best as possible. Let's show that eCanada has an active population and wants to vote in the right people.

And finally:

~*~*~*~*~~*~*~*~*~I NVEST in V ICTORY~*~*~*~*~~*~*~ *~*~

Got Victory Bonds?
Donate Gold to Victory Bonds Canada and they will be repaid at the rate of 40 CAD per Gold. Click here to invest in victory today!
*Minimum of 1 Gold donation required

Help eCanada and the allies in their push for Nunavut and donate to Victory Bonds Canada today!

Today is our day eCanada!!

Good luck to everyone running for congress today and also to everyone fighting in the battles today. We can do it!

Sincerely with thanks,
Derek Harland
eCanadian Deputy Prime Minister