To Whom it may concern,

Day 1,048, 05:33 Published in Canada Canada by Cypher Rahl

With in the last 5-6 hours my bid for the Oct 5th, 2010 CP has ended. At some point, likely before day changed, the Party President Matthew Gallaugher changed not only the name of the Canadian Empire Party to Project Mayhem but also changed our party support to one Rolo Tahmasee. This comes as a great disappointment and shock to many whom not only put they're trust in Matthew Gallaugher but also to those whom had put they're trust behind me in tomorrow's election.

However my friends as much as we may want to yell, as much as we may want to pull out the ropes, grab the pitch forks and start to burn them at the stake, this is not that time, this is the time to stay cool and calm and understand two things.

1) This months CP election just became a lot simpler choice.

2) This coming PP election for the CEP just became a simpler choice.

With that said i have only these last two things to say;

I Cypher Rahl, former CP candidate of the CEP wish to endorse Alias Vision in tomorrow's election. I have all the faith that he will do just as good for this country as i myself intended to do!

I Cypher Rahl will be running as PP of CEP in the next coming PP election.

Thank you for your time!

--Cypher Rahl