To our french friends, from Italy.

Day 940, 14:58 Published in France Italy by Rhevard

As you've probably seen or heard, Italy, today, didn't fight in Aquitaine.
We fought before the daychange there, and at the end we were the 4° attackers, but none from Italian Army was in Aquitaine on day 940.

It's strange, I know, because yesterday it was an important day in eRepublik.
France decided to move on and try to liberate last two regions lost in winter. Two very important regions, with high wood resources.

As you probably know, Hungary swapped with Austria and Swizerland to border with Rhone Alps and strike it with all Phoenix.
It was a good plan, well coordinated, at least on the Phoenix part, but what about The Entente? Did French remember to get coordinate with its allies?
It seems to be so. Nobody in Entente HQ (except french) know anything about this action. Where is french president? Why doesn't he tell us about it?
We thougth, nevermind, they said they have know about all of this just few minutes before the attack, let's help our allie like we did everytimes they need it, then we equipped our troops and striked this morning.
But we can't understand why Phoenix decided to help France, with expensive swaps and attack and why didn't they tell us anything.

This morning we finally knew that Rhone Alps, if it will be liberate, will remain on Hungary hand for few month, as a payment.
It is not acceptable for us.
Last month we were ready to sped thousand of gold to liberate Rhone Alps, we proposed to french government to keep RA for two month, to make some gold from this rich region to pay battle cost, we could make a loan.
Frech heads told us that it isn't possible, it isn't a good request by an allie, vice president was angry to hear this kind of propose. It would be a little sacrifice to help an allie that could make many gold from this agreement.
But, however, we accepted France's decision, we thought that we could liberate Rhone Alps in another way.
If french government didn't want to share the region for two months, we couldn't say anything against this: we are allies, we'll act as allies.

It wasn't a payment or stuffs like this, it was just a way for Italy to get some golds back after have spent thousands of them to free RA.

But, at the end, there it happens what seems to be impossible: France makes a loan with Hungary and together they decide to give RA to Hungary for 3 months.
We knew about it from some PHX's HQ members, not from France.
We had to ask french government if it was true that they had made this agreement or not.

And when we asked why? all they could tell us is that power damages makes the difference in this kind of loan.
We were ready to spend thousands of gold, to take our responsabilities to free RA.
You could say "yes" without any problems, cause even in case of loss, you wouldn't lost anything.
But, one month ago you said no to your "bros", and now you can make a deal with Hungary without any problems.

Our conclusion is that actual French government don't take its allies in consideration.

Why should we keep on calling ourselfs "bros"?

Italy and France are allied since beta, when we conquered Switzerland, then in V1 you disappeared from the map because of the "French Toast", and we helped you to get back into the map.
And then, during the last six months we have been fighting for you every time you needed it.

Italy is a divided country, we have many crysis in our history, but even when our Army was near to a totally ruin, we were there next to you.

This is it.
At the moment I'm not part of the Government, I'm talking as a common citizen.
But I think that a lot of italians have my same ideas.

Tomorrow, maybe, we'll have a meeting with french government, and maybe we will clarify the situation, maybe we won't.

We'll see in the next months what will happen.

one of italian citizens who have been fighting for you since December 2008.

P.S. Hungary has done its own interests, that's normal.
I can't blame them for anything.. in case it wasn't already clear.