To Entire Canadian Nation - Ontario Last Stand Speech

Day 624, 10:16 Published in Canada Turkey by Cetullah Kadayif
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The moment had finally came, brothers. The enemy has made it to Ontario, burning villages, trampling through our hospitals, enslaving our brethren.

We made lots of sacrifices, gave our money to Donation Funds, fought until 40 wellness, helped each other, gave our last dollar for our comrade, obeyed the orders of our leaders without thinking and hesitate…

“If my soldiers were to begin to think, not one would remain in the ranks”
Frederick The Great

Anyway…personally I am trying not to think as a soldier.

Brothers, as you know the last weeks were black weeks for our nation. Our brethren was imprisoned in enemy territory,losing regions one by one, trying to stand against the thousands of PEACE troops.And our leaders were also trying to gain support, and gather their power for a last stand in Ontario.

Today, my brothers, is the day of our nation’s destiny. We shall write history. Ages later our grandsons must learn the following words in school:
“…On the day 624, with the willpower of our patriotic citizens, our nation could stand against the majority of the invader imperialists...our soldiers fought, civilians laid barricades in the streets,children threw stones to the invaders and some attacked them with their bare hands…”

As you know brothers, I have told you that I am eTurkish in original and Turkish in RL in my first article.Then I have moved to Germany and saw your noble struggle there.When the volunteer freedom fighters have arrived to Canada, we have been welcomed with a great joy. I have seen the people there, loved them as they are my own brethren ,they also supported me in my articles, and finally, in the Day 617,1 AM, I became a proud citizen of Canada.

And most of you know the Turkish leader, Ataturk.He had made a speech to the Turkish youth years ago, and I think that it is universal. Let me translate it for you:

Turkish Youth!
Your first duty is to preserve and to defend Turkish
Independence and the Turkish Republic forever. This is the very
foundation of your existence and your future. This foundation is your most
precious treasure.
In the future , too there may be malevolent people at
home and abroad who will wish to deprive you of this treasure. If some
day you are compe lled to defend your independence and your Republic you
must not hesitate to weigh the possibilities and circumstances of the
situation before doing your duty. These possibilities and circumstances
may turn out to be extremely unfavourable. The enemies conspiring against
your independence and your Republic may have behind them a victory
unprecedented in the annals of the world. It may be that by violence and
trickery , all the fortresses of your beloved fatherland may be captured
all its shipyards occupied , all its armies dispersed and every corner of
the country invaded. And sadder and graver than all these circumstances
those who hold power within the country may be in error misguided and
may even be traitors. Furthermore they may identify personal interests
with the political designs of the invaders. The country may be
impoverished ruined and exhausted.

Youth of Turkey's future even in
such circumstances it is your duty to save Turkish Independence and the
Republic! You will find the strength you need in your noble blood!

Today, brothers, it is our duty to save eCanadian Independence and Republic!
We shall unleash our inner fire of freedom, and kick the invaders from our beloved motherland! We shall find the strength we need in our noble blood!

For Humanity,
Click here to read the Historical Ontario Last Stand Speech.Click here to read the Historical Ontario Last Stand Speech.Click here to read the Historical Ontario Last Stand Speech.Click here to read the Historical Ontario Last Stand Speech.Click here to read the Historical Ontario Last Stand Speech.Click here to read the Historical Ontario Last Stand Speech.

Click here to read the Historical Ontario Last Stand Speech.Click here to read the Historical Ontario Last Stand Speech.Click here to read the Historical Ontario Last Stand Speech.Click here to read the Historical Ontario Last Stand Speech.Click here to read the Historical Ontario Last Stand Speech.