To Congress, With Love (not...)

Day 997, 00:57 Published in USA USA by killerballerina

I started my life in congress as a happy, hopeful, starry eyed girl. I would somehow be great and fantastic, I would make a difference!

I was wrong

2 hours later... I realized that I was so wrong I couldn't even fathom how wrong I was.

Getting help was pointless. No one was around, spent over 36 hours unable to ask questions in IRC. Got yelled at more times than I can count. Spent 16 hours forum surfing blindly hoping to answer my own questions.

That's when I realized...

New Congress People Are Usually Treated Like Mud
(ewww keep it away from us....)

I decided to wait a bit, maybe after a few days people would relax and things would get better..


I was then taught a new lesson.. "Agree with the oldfags or be harassed until you do." Well I have never seen anything wrong with a new opinion or fresh voice. Apparently others do. I'll remember that for next time. (There won't be a next time)

What little respect I had for congress I lost in 2 short weeks. I hated it so much I started to honestly hate this game, not because of V2, but because I couldn't have an opinion that wasn't the same without worrying about being attacked. I couldn't be friends with the people I wanted to because of this, that or some other thing.

Congress is all about being willing to be manipulated.

I think I'll just stick with writing and military.

Much Love,
The former congresswoman from Washington