To all of you, blaming Poland!

Day 994, 14:36 Published in Poland Poland by Reyz0rd

First, my english skills just suck. But anyway i want to explain the situation!

Well, all of you are really angry about the behavior of Poland?
You`re writing articles, open letters, you are trolling at the comments etc.
You tell us, that poland is a cheater country, we cannot win any fight fair, were loosers and so on.
And i am asking myself "WHAT THE F*CK ?!"
You cannot blame Poland for one group. Yes, it`s just some hackers, who made a nice auto-it program which makes multi-acc. The real polish players do not make any multiaccounts.
ALL THOSE MULTIACCOUNTS DRAIN POLISH MONEY! Every of them steals 5 PLN from polish treasury.
Okey, but the can fight?! Yes, they do. But those are nonskilled "fighters" and just one highskilled tank may kill hundreds of them, and gain this way alot of skill. So you still think poland has an advantage becouse of them?

Now, about the attack on Hungary. And about that, that we are cowards becouse we attack on this situation.
Well, this was not our fault. We did not hire a hacker to get the account of the presidents. We did not pay admins to make some problems with you MPP`s or anything. We did none of those things.
There was a oppurtinity to get some high iron. And we took it. Wouldn`t you? Seriously,
I dont want to accuse you, but who DDoS`ed some fights before? Who was happy becouse the RW`s of Croatia were closed without any reason, and that way you could gather the Citizenship?
There are more similar stories, so I DO NOT SEE ANY REASON TO BLAME POLAND AND SPAM OUR MEDIA!

Prosze o wskazowki na temat jezyka angielskiego, niestety nie uczylem sie w szkole tego jezyka i jest to prowizorka.
Oraz prosze o wytlumaczenie jakiego Code mam uzywac aby pogrubic text 😒 Niestety wszystko sie psuje w tym Erepublik...