To all ePolish people from eCroatia

Day 1,144, 15:57 Published in Poland Greece by Croatian Foreign Office

To all Polish people!

First of all we want to congratulate new polish government and president smrtan on presidental victory but this article is not going to be so cheerful and happy. We are all aware of new modules and new rules in eRepublik which brings new problems. ePoland has achived everything what can be achived and I guess without serious threat and being on top people do foolish things out of boredom. Thats how I explain Polish MPP with Hungary. We don't want to interfere in Polish decisions, not even if they are breaking EDEN treaty, but this situation makes us Croats choose sides. We are asking ourselves, did Poland do a Junior? I don't think so, because this MPP doesn't mean much atm and your president is explaining it as an "act of friendship" (smrtan's explanation). Act of friendship with RL friends I assume. Hungarians are Croatian friends in real life as well, but we are not going to mix real life in our e-world. Real life is great excuse for trolling and propaganda, but life in eRepublik is something else, our e-friendships are strong and real. We fought together, side by side building a new world on strong ground. Strong ground of friendship. Can this MPP ruin it?

Let's see what one of HOS commanders say about this situation:

"Ehistory of Poland and Croatia was always common, we shared enemies we shared friends, victories and defeats . Most of the Polaks dont wanna change that fact in the future, but in the same time they are demanding from Croatia to forget all the other friends we made together with Poland. It is an impossible choice for us . Older players remember all of the hard work we done in the past, back in the days before Polish baby boom we were best friends, not by talk but by actions. Some of you will remember Peruvian crisis between Spain and Poland, Spain insisted on RL friendship with Argentina who wanted to invade Peru. EDEN ordered everyone to be neutral... But Croatia (also romania) didnt listen to anyone and we came to defeat Argentina together . Some of the Croatian army was even disguised with Grom avatars : ) And at least 100 Croats took Peruvian citizenship to help Poland keep those valuable regions.. Later on Spain realised that efriendship have priority over RL events (this is a game after all) I could also mention Polish paramilitary units helping Croatia with dozens of votes in TO of Italy, also against orders of their country/alliance...

Should I go more into future to the Polish baby boom ? While Hungary and Serbia did everything in their power to kill of new Polish players , including shamefull actions as opening q5 companies to destroy babies wellness and make them quit the game, they even bought all the food from polish market... Who came to help Poland keep as much of new players as possible ? Again Croatia and Romania, with licences for Polish market, with thousands of food donated manually directly to your babies... We cooperated on dozens of occasions through all these years, we both proved our friendship by actions not words... So dont make us choose between leaving all the other countries we share similar friendship and Hungary and Serbia. Its simply not an option for us."

Once again, we don't want to interfere in Polands internal decissions, but if you are thinking of switching sides after all, we wish you all the luck and we sure hope we wont be on opposite sides, not now not ever.

In the name of eCroatian people and Government,
Atea, eCroatian MoFA and eCroatian President Asklepije