TKT: Interview with Darkmantle; Ministry of the Wiki

Day 1,095, 15:55 Published in New Zealand United Kingdom by Thomas765

Saturday, 20th of November 2010

Kia ora New Zealand!
This is my first article whilst being in New Zealand, and I was among the first hundred to come here. In my first issue in New Zealand, I will be covering an interview with Darkmantle and giving you an insight into the Ministry of the Wiki.

Hello NZ, today I am conducting an interview with Darkmantle, the current Minister of Technology and leader of the New Zealand Special Forces.

Hello everyone

Let's begin with a few professional questions...

Are you happy with the changes to the New Zealand army that occurred recently?
Well, seeing as the ideas were mainly mine (and Silent_Hero's), it would be hypocritical for me to say no. I am glad the changes have gone through, as they are going to make it easier for communication between the different levels within the NZDF Heirarchy.

What did you think of the old system?
The old system worked, but it wasn't effective enough in my eyes. If a Branch CO wanted to pass messages on to all soldiers, he had to contact either 6 or 11 PCO's. Also it wasn't enough like the RL system, meaning people who join from RL NZ might be a bit annoyed by that. The SAS should be elite, not just mobile, for example. And Congressmen should be in the Home Guard since they can't move.

Do you plan any future additions to the current NZ Army?
I have some more ideas, but the decision is always Kyle's. I'm just using my experience to help out as much as I can, and bring new ideas to him where needed. The priority for any military is activity and quick response, which I think needs to be worked on before any new additions.

As Minister of Technology, what are your responsibilities for holding this post?
My responsibilities are basically to create technological system that will aid the government and citizens of the eNZ. Examples would me a mass messaging tool, the military hub, market tools, and other such features. Unfortunately without the API, the projects can't be finished and made live!

Do you enjoy working for the army?
I do enjoy military work. I am known in the eUK for being a politician, but in my final months I always did prefer military work. It gives me another outlet for my enthusiastic personality, without all the arguing and raging that was politics in eUK. I might eventually get more involved in eNZ politics, as it does seem much calmer, but for now I am loving my work within the army.

...and now on to more personal questions

Are you enjoying eNew Zealand?
Yes. The environment is much more friendly and calmer than the eUK. Even if it is a bit more slow-paced than what I am used too.

Do you have plans for your future in New Zealand, or are your plans elsewhere?
I plan on staying in eNZ. If I ever did move again it would only be back to the eUK, but that would be a long time away, I intend on staying here.

Where did you come from before coming to New Zealand? And what incentive did you have to come to New Zealand?
The eUK was my home before New Zealand. I had enough of the attitudes of the people in the eUK. Everything is arguing, raging, trolling and just generally a bad environment. My dad passed away so I had RL issues to deal with, and since eRepublik has always been the place I go to escape real life, I didn't want to have to deal with stress and bad situations on an internet game as well as real life.

Have you made new friends since arriving here?
I have indeed. I would count you as a friend, I hope, as well as others. Calbe is a great guy from the chats we've had, and I know a few people already from the eUK, ones that were friends already and have become friends since.

What are your views on the alliance 'situation' we have in New Zealand?
I am Pro-Phoenix, but it wouldn't bother me. I think the country should do what is best for it's citizens, and the long-standing future of the country. I wouldn't fight for us to join PHX, or bitch if we didn't, but that is my preferred personal choice. I never paid much attention to alliances to be honest, so it wouldn't bother me that much if we did join EDEN.

Thank you for the interview Darkmantle!

The Ministry of the Wiki is a smaller ministry within the New Zealand government. If it weren't obvious, all we do is edit the wiki on behalf of the New Zealand government so that you, the citizens, can find out more information about the country - despite how new the country actually is.

I work alongside michal lodziana 1 to bring you, and those abroad information about New Zealand. On average New Zealand has a lot more information than our new country counterparts. Below are links to various wikipages on New Zealand for you to read if you wish.

New Zealand ~ Country Page
History of New Zealand
- Timeline of the History of New Zealand
New Zealand Dollar
Parties of New Zealand[/url
November 2010 Government
New Zealand Army

To suggest pages to be added, please view this topic on the New Zealand forums.

Minister of the Wiki
Branch Officer of the Special Forces
Austrian Ambassador to New Zealand
