Tips and Strategies for Riflemen (Unofficial) (Vol1,Issue2)

Day 971, 23:03 Published in Philippines Philippines by Erion Clow Reed

The Rifle was the most Basic (and the Cheapest) weapon available in eRepublik Markets around the world. So naturally, Low-Wage earners and Not-so-Rich countries avail Rifles in large stocks. One of the most Numerous users. an eRepublik citizen who have a rifle (and frequently uses it) can be called as a Riflemen.

So What is a Rifle?

According to Wikipedia.A rifle is a firearm designed to be fired from the shoulder, with a barrel that has a helical groove or pattern of grooves ("rifling&quot😉 cut into the barrel walls. The raised areas of the rifling are called "lands," which make contact with the projectile (for small arms usage, called a bullet), imparting spin around an axis corresponding to the orientation of the weapon.

in eRepublik. a Rifle has 4 components
* Rifle Barrel = (Attack [Accuracy])
* Frame = (Defense)
* Rifle Butt = (Durability)
* Ammunition= (Firepower)

Rifle barrels determine the attack accuracy while the frame provides defensive capabilities. Rifle barrels are built by engineers and frame by mechanic. Rifle butt determines the durability of rifle. It is made by fitters. Ammunition defines the damage of that weapon and is made by technician.

Remember this Simple Diagram.. it Might Help you to Win the war
Riflemen-(Have Higher Damage)

>Artillery (a.k.a Anti-Aircraft in eRepublik Version).
Artillery-(Have Higher Damage)
> Helicopters
Helicopters-(Have Higher Damage)
Tanks-(Have Higher Damage)

So. How Riflemen gain "Territorial'"; Advantages in Tiles on the Battlefield?.
There are These Types of Territorial Tiles like plains, hills, forests, rivers, lakes, bridges, mountains, and cities. Of course a Riflemen standing on a plain will obviously exposed to tanks and aircraft. Thus Having a &quot😉efensive" setback on a plain. while a riflemen in a forest were having an &quot😉efensive" Bonus. and also a rifleman can't stand on lakes (least he or she will be drowned >.&lt😉

Here's the Unofficial Defensive Bonuses for a Riflemen in a Certain Tile*. ( - For Deduction, + For Additional , = No Effect)
Plain =
Hill = [+]
Forest = [++]
River = [N/A]
Lake = [N/A]
Bridge = [🙂
Mountain = [-]
City = [🙂

How many moves can a rifleman move in the battlefield?
Infantry can move 1 tile / turn. It can move to every tile.

Bonuses (As Explained in the Diagram above)
* When infantry fights against artillery it gets 20 attack bonus points.
* When tank attacks infantry, tank gets 20 attack bonus points.
* If fight takes place in forest, infantry unit gets 20 defense bonus points.

So What is the Best Rifle i can Buy in the Market?
Obviously. the More Quality a Rifle can have. the better it is. But it's more Expensive.
also Not ALL EXPENSIVE Rifles were best. there are some rifles were cheaper. but have more quality than other. so it's all up to you.

Note😘As Said Earlier. these Tips were UNOFFICIAL. Game-play Might change without Prior Notice