This was an EPIC triumph!

Day 1,010, 14:34 Published in Canada Canada by Nosyt

This was a triumph!
I'm making a note here:
"huge success!!"

It's hard to overstate
My satisfaction.

EPIC Vanguar😛
We do what we must
Because we can.

For the good for all of us.
Except the ones who have quit.

But there's no sense crying
Over every mistake.
You just keep on trying
Till you run out of cake.
And the voting gets done.
And you make a neat Congress.
For the people who are
Still alive.

Yesterday was a long and tiring day, but it was worth it in the end. We have a newly elected Congress, in which I see a good number of first-time Congress Members. I would like to congratulate these Congress Members for their victory. As well, a congratulations goes out too all 38 of our Congress Members! It is a new term, one still with the burden (or pleasure? 😉 ) of war on us, so we must continue to fight for our nation. Congress, EPIC salutes you!

I'm sure yesterday was also long and tiring for our citizens who volunteered their time to help coordinate. These people were Kronos Q, powerown64, Ozymandias Malifozik, Nosyt, Greg McNeish, Mansbridge09, and Roger Griswald. EPIC truly thanks you.

EPIC was able to elect 10 Congress Members this term, exceeding even our own expectations. This would not have been possible if it were not for the help of many members and friends, who took the time to simply communicate with us. Our forums and our IRC channel were abuzz with activity last night; with much excitement, but mixed in with some drama and some disappointment as well.

EPIC thanks all of our members who ran for Congress with us, even those that didn't end up on the ballot. The '1-candidate per region' thing threw us off a little bit, cutting a few good members from the ballot, but we were able to overcome that loss. To those members who got cut from the ballot, we thank you for your understanding and hope that next term we can get you back onto it.

Next, EPIC would like to thank those candidates who were not elected. A few of you ran as blockers, a few of you struggled for support, but all of you ran a good campaign. I spoke with a few candidates that knew they weren't going to be elected, and I am very thankful of how understanding they were. It makes me happy to see that we have some members such as these people. Without further ado, these are the candidates to thank:

Christian Doe
Manson Tai
Kelly Mahoney
Wes Lewis

Finally, we have our candidates who became Congress Members this term. A few of us 'oldies', a few of the young 'uns. EPIC has a good mix of experience between these citizens, which is important for Congres. For the experienced to work with the new, so as to pass on that experience. This Congress Members will bring change to our nation, whether it be direct or subtle. For their commitement to our nation, EPIC thanks you! These brave citizens are:

Kronos Q
Lord of Painkillers
Ozymandias Malifozik

EPIC members,
EPIC candidates,
EPIC Congress Members,
thank you.

Humbly yours,
The EPIC Team

The Egalitarian Party of Independent Canadians