This is the end, Finland.

Day 738, 00:37 Published in Finland Russia by Lelouch Vee

Finland, you've got HUGE problems.

First of all, you are abandoned in new war by your dear American "friends". They send their forces to defend Chroatia, not you. Look here if you don't trust me. EDEN doesn't need you. You are just a slave for them, and they will sacrifice you... for nothing.

Next, you're so weak, that even Latvia crushes your forces in Southern Finland without any help. Such a pathetic country you are.
Just in few days, our Armies will capture all your regions and enslave your people. Your days are finished.
And, of course, prepare for TO. But, anyway, your preparations will be useless.

Farewell, my Finnish friends. See you at your capital. We will be there soon.