This is South Korea

Day 1,106, 09:39 Published in South Korea USA by resita2009
Military Unit Improvements!

The military units will have regiments from now on. Each regiment will have 30 soldiers and 20 invite spaces for eRepublik friends and it will have its own captain. You can join the military unit no matter your level and you can only be discharged from the MU after 2 days.

Military Unit Leadership

- the creator of the Military Unit will be its Commander and on his profile, on the MU section it will appear "Military Unit Commander"
- the Commander cannot be changed unless he decides to appoint another player. That player should have at least Commander Rank.
- in case the Commander leaves the Military Unit without appointing another Commander, the following rules apply:
- the second commander will take his place
- if there is no second commander, the member with the highest rankfrom the unit (but if he is 2 days old in that unit and has at least Commander rank)
- if both of the above conditions do not apply, the unit will remain without a leader until the moment a member will gain Commander rank and will be at least 2 days old in the unit
- in case the Commander does not log in eRepublik for 7 consecutive days he will be changed with the same rules as above.
- if a Commander leaves the unit and there is no one left in it, the unit is erased for good
- the Commander can appoint 2 Second Commanders as his deputies. These Second Commanders should be ranked at least Commander as well.

Military Unit Management

- every Military Unit will have more Regiments, which will be automatically created for every 30 players that joins that specific Military Unit
a Regiment can have maximum 50 players
- the regiments will be named consecutive: 1st Regiment of MU, 2nd Regiment of MU... 35th Regiment of MU etc.
- when a Regiment reaches 30 players, another Regiment will be created, automatically, and the new players will enter in the newest Regiment
- the rest of 20 places will have a link instead of a player, "Invite a friend", and friends from eRepublik can be invited by every player from that Regiment
- the Commanders are not allowed to remove a member if the recruit is in the Military Unit for less than 2 days.

Elections for Captain! - How to join a Military Unit

Regiments will be leaded by Captains and in order to run for Captain a player should be ranked at least Captain, to be a member (not a recruit) in that Regiment and to be at least 2 days old in that specific Military Unit. Also, a commander can run for captain position.

Elections for Captain will take place every 30 days on 15th of every month.

Conditions to run for Captain in a Regiment:

- should be at least 2 days old in that Military Unit
- should be ranked at least Captain
- should be a member, not a recruit
Starting with 14th of the month, every regiment member (not recruits) will get to see at the end of his row a button named "Candidate". If he pushes the Candidate button he will enter the election process on the 15th, at 00:00.
- a regiment member can vote only for other regiment member, not for himself
- every full regiment member gets to vote, so a recruit cannot vote
- on the 15th of the month, a banner will appear on the military unit homepage to announce every member that elections for Regiment Captain are taking place
on the 16th of the month, the elections will get into the verification process until 06:00
- if there are two citizens with the same amount of votes, in the captain elections, the one with the biggest rank wins
- when the elections are validated, the winner will get an alert to let him know that he was elected as Captain for his regiment.

Military Unit Joining

- a player can enter in any Military Unit from its citizenship country
- at the beginning, any new member will be just a simple Recruit until they complete the recruit orders
- a member can be removed from the Regiment by its Captain or its Commander and Second Commanders but only after 48 hours from the moment he entered the Military Unit (still, the Captains cannot be kicked by the Commander or Second Commander)

Full Membership

- first time, to become a member you need to complete the following orders:
-Reach Sergeant military rank
-defeat 25 opponents as a member of the military unit
-fight for your citizenship country or one of its allies in 5 different battles
Rewards: full membership of MU;

Advantages to be a member of the unit:

- vote for Captain
- get to candidate for Captain

Captains asking: Why isn't my Military Unit feed working?

Admin answer: For the moment the feed is not working because we are planning to improve it. Starting Monday we will be working on it.