This Is It - Daily Battles - Day 1091 - European Front

Day 1,091, 13:14 Published in New Zealand Canada by supabeasty

I apologize that this is only the European Theatre, but I do not have the time for the whole eWorld and Europe seems to be the center of battles right now.

North-Western Europe

Canada has attacked East of England, United Kingdom in an attemot to further their steady advance into their fierce enemy's territory. The eUK is currently up by only 1 battle and it will be a great show to view. It will be a close ending.

The Resistance Force of the Netherlands has attacked Southern Netherlands, United Kingdom to try to take back what was formerly taken by the eUK. The Resistance Force is currently winning by 2 battles but it is much too early to call the battle, so don't bet gold on this one.

The Resistance Force of the Netherlands has attacked West Netherlands, United Kingdom to try to get back the regions that were recently conquered by the eUK. They are winning this resistance battle as well, by a close margin. However, it is way to early to choose a clear winner in this fight.

The Resistance Force of the Netherlands has attacked Northern Netherlands, United Kingdom in yet another chance to get their regions back from their enemies, eUK that recently back-stabbed them. This one they are winning by a larger margin and it is still too early to call.

South-Eastern Europe - Yes, I know it is very confusing!

The Resistance Force of Austria has attacked Burgenland, Austria and it is a very, very close battle. It appears that Austria will be winning the battle but by a close margin.

The Resistance Force of Hungary has attacked Central Hungary, Romania in a bid to return the region that was recently conquered in a EDEN strike through Hungary. It looks like Romania will secure the region.

The Resistance Force of Republic of Moldova has attacked Northern Basarabia, Romania in an attempt to conquer the region back from Romania. It is still early in the battle but Romania is expected to win the battle, simply because they are a much more powerful country.

Croatia has attacked Vojvodina, Serbia and they are currently losing the battle. The battle is currently tilted towards Serbia but Croatia could still turn the battle around.

Serbia has attacked Southern Great Plain, Croatia to help Hungary get its regions back. Phoenix is in a lot of trouble here. Right now Croatia is winning with only 1 battle because the fight has just recently started.

Romania has attacked Central Transbudania, Hungary and WILL take the region from Hungary, very soon. There is no hope for Hungary and any attempt will be in vain!

Takes a long time! But Thanks for reading!