The World this week

Day 1,058, 13:19 Published in South Africa South Africa by Ministry of Information eSA

So some of you may wonder what is going on in the eWorld. Well I am here to keep you informed with all the latest events, wars and during elections, results. So sit back, read some articles and hopefully you will learn something about the eWorld that you never knew before.

The eWorld Vents their anger at the new Media module

In the last few days, the worlds media has being focused on one thing, the loss of the ability to post all around the world. This is a big blow to many media moguls who have developed careers through publishing around the world as well as creating problems for diplomats and politicians in conducting their affairs. There has being much outrage towards this change as shown by these articles as well as numerous articles around the world.

Ukraine leaves Phoenix

One of the newest Phoenix countries, the Ukraine has left Phoenix following the breaking of the PTO in the country. This follows almost directly after Hungary lost their prized Ukrainian possession, Podolia. The Ukraine has now let Romania land swap through their country in order to gain a border with Russia. Here is the official statement from their president, in Ukrainian.
Here is a article which includes a piece on the Ukraine as well as other major stories

Operation Monkey Business

In order to increase activity, the USA will staging the largest mobilization of troops in their history except for the North American invasions of World War 3. This is according to the USA's president in this article


Here is a little breakdown of some of the last few day's wars in very little detail and some articles about them.

In the last few days, Poland has being making in roads into Russia with the aim of wiping the nation off the map. Now Romania has got involved following their region swapping with the newly free Ukraine. Poland have taken many key regions including the real life capital of Moscow as well as other high resource regions including the former in game Russian capital.

Pakistan have pushed further into India with the nation on the brink of non-existence following the loss of most of their regions including the high Iron region of Karkanata. India without any alliances are very close to loosing all their regions in record time.

Here are some articles covering war events of the last few days.

So there was a little break down of what has being going on in the world, look out for more Ministry of Information articles in the future.