The world as it is today

Day 1,332, 16:07 Published in USA USA by Daniel Roman4
We`re living in a world where in order to be someone you need to take down someone. After so many years lying, stealing and manipulating became a part of our nature. Thousands of years ago people were lying, stealing and manipulating and after so many years everything is the same. We know that it is bad or at least it should be a bad thing but we also now that we need to survive so instead of living in peace and helping each other we live guided by one rule: "Survival of the fittest". This is something that we all know, we know that we need fight for what we want becouse no one will give it for free. I know that during all these years there were people who tried to change the world. There were people who tried to do it by showing to people the path of light and there were people who tried to force the world to go on that path. But as we all know they failed. "Why?" you might ask, thats a simple question. This world is a paradise for those with power and a hell for everyone else. What do we do? That would be a good question! Since if one of us stands to make the world a paradise for everyone, he or she will be eliminated. In order to make a change we need to stand and fight for it and when I say "We" I don`t me 10 people or 100 or 1000 I mean everyone. The day everyone will want a perfect world and everyone will be willing to fight for it than something amazing will happen. I`m writing this becouse I hope that one day people won`t be afraid to support the crazy guy with no money but with a plan to create a heaven on the earth for all of us. Becouse in the end we`re all different but we`re all the same.