The Workings of the Training War with eSouth Africa

Day 1,632, 07:28 Published in Australia Australia by eAus Department of Information

Thanks to the efforts of the two governments over the last few weeks, we now have a stable Training War set up with our long-time allies, eSouth Africa, in order for the citizens of eAustralia to obtain True Patriot medals! Doing so will give many of us a good income of gold which we can stockpile to further help ourselves with our military goals, or running our businesses. Some citizens, however, may not be fully aware of the agreement we have with eSouth Africa. Well, us here in Prime Minister Majester’s Department of Information are here to help!

The way it will work is as thus: Majester will press the big red button and attack an eSouth African region, which we will win the battle for, allowing eAustralians to press the fight button as much as they want to get those nice shiny medals. Upon winning the battle, we will then attack another region and eSA will start a Resistance War in the region we have just taken. We then cycle the regions back and forth for as long as both countries see fit.

Some people may ask, why do eSA RW the regions back, why not just attack normally? The problem with this is, with our many MPPs backing us, it’s possible we would win these battles despite orders telling us not to fight, and we would deprive our allies of their country. Using Resistance Wars, we can avoid this as only our own citizens can fight in the RWs. However, people should be fighting in the war to take another region and ignoring the RW altogether.

So the TL😉R version?
Fight in the wars, don’t fight in the RWs!

I hope this article was informative for you!

Brought to you by the Department of Information:
Minister: irule777
Deputy: Dean Kong
Deputy: crackedmind