The Wordsmiths: Volume 1, Issue 3

Day 1,476, 21:13 Published in USA USA by FreedomFightr

Monday, December 5th, 2011 -~- Volume 1, Issue 3 -~- eRep day 1476


Page 1: Taxes by Portcolumbus

Page 2: Top Fighter by Thedillpickl

Page 3: America is Forked Either Way so Bend Over and Pray for Lube. by Jon Malcom

Page 4: Funny pics by code0011

by Portcolumbus

I would like to start by saying this, I am NOT an economist. Yes, it’s true I run businesses on here, with my Q3 food factories. That is not to say that I am the man to come to for money advice, though I don’t mind helping someone out every so often. What I am writing about today is my suggestion/idea for the future of the eUS tax policy, and though it may not be at all what we need, I will still take the time and write about it in the hopes of starting some serious discussion aimed at the future.

First off, the move to 25% for the income tax is not something I feel we can sit on and bicker about forever, though some of that bickering was much needed. Being a member of Congress who voted in favor of these changes, I must say this: It was not something that came easily. I myself was not happy with the final number of 25%, thinking it a bit too high in one jump. Regardless, I also knew the nation needed to make this change, both to try and get some money into the national Treasury, to have a rainy day fund so that the next set of invasions wouldn’t take us down to 55,000 USD CBO donations for about a week or so.

Quick Fact:
The Congressional Budget Offices (or CBO) of every eNation are limited by the game mechanics in that they may only receive a maximum amount of 99,999 of their national currency per day. So the most Congress is able to budget is an expenditure of 99,999 USD per day, or about 700,000 USD per week. If more than this is collected in taxes, the surplus sits in the Treasury. If less than this is collected in taxes, then the surplus is reduced as congress continues to withdraw its 99,999 USD daily. If the surplus runs dry and taxes don't provide for 99,999 USD/day, Congress cannot meet its budget

As we are seeing, the eUS is a nation that gets wiped, comes back, and wipes its enemies. When this recovery will end I cannot say for certain, but I predict at least 4-6 weeks left, but I do hope for much less. The current income tax of 25% should not be a peacetime thing, but purely to ensure that wartime revenue is met. I would like to see us set something along the lines of 12-18% during times of peace, and save tax hikes for the times, like now, when we might need them. I also think that as we get some regions back, we should explore lowering the taxes, but not in one big jump. I would like to see this process be laid out over a two week period, the mechanics of which might be cumbersome, but again, I never said this would be a “smart” process.

I think when we get a moderate number of regions back, let’s say 30, maybe 35, then we lower the income tax down to about 20-22%. Might not sound like alot, but after we get to around 40-45, and can demonstrate that we can hold these regions, then we are able to lower it to 15-18%. When we are finally able to get all of the regions back and can show that we are able to hold them, then the time comes to make the final phase of the “adjustment” process and set up income taxes at around 12-15%, and hopefully we will be able to keep them there.

Any changes to the taxes during peacetime should be carefully reviewed, and if we are at a state where we aren’t in a threatened mode, then we should try and use any tax increases to increase the budget, making sure that a bulk of the new money goes to helping the next generation of eUS fighters and players, the very people I believe the income tax hits the most.

Regardless of what we think as individual people, I hope that when you read this, you will see that I am just a former Congressman who sees this issue as something I’d like to help address in the future. I am not speaking for the views of anyone but myself, and would like to once again say that I am not the most economic person, the smartest, nor the greatest. I just wanted to take the time to share my views with you all, the American people, in the hopes of showing a plan for a better America in the future.

Top Fighter
by The Dillpickl

Hi Kids!

Don't worry, this is not some boring article about our new goal that is set before us. Of all the bone-head stunts they've pulled over the last few months, this one takes the cake. I mean really, how blatant can they get? The next step will be to charge 1 gold per log in. If you don't have at least 1 gold in your account, the sign-in will direct you to the "Buy Gold" page. Dammit all to hell anyhow.

I've been pecking away at the Mercenary. I'm about done with "Big Time Battle" too. (389/444) I've yet to crack the BH Medal. This Top Fighter Achievement is simply unobtainable for the regular player. If you already have 57 BH's and 24 CH's, you are a candidate for the latest Romperesque TF Medal.

One simple little tweak could fix this. Something that I'm sure Admins never considered when their greedy little minds conceived this. You should only have to be in the top 100 for 30 days in your strength range. Do I look like I can put down 1,000,000 damage with out spending a lot of gold? My next Super Soldier will be for breaking the 4,000 mark. To even get close, I would have to fight 4 times a day.

Me buying gold.

I freely admit that I've bought gold before. Several times in fact. But only during specials, and then only enough to finish something I was working on in my companies, not to fight with. (Well, I did buy some bazooka parts with gold I acquired by playing the game.) I only spend money that would have otherwise gone for some type of entertainment and never would I run up a credit card bill. Only an idiot would do that.

America is Forked Either Way so Bend Over and Pray for Lube.
by Jon Malcom

It’s a good question, really it is. I often ask myself Why is such a great country with some cool people continue in the cycle of stupid?” I don’t know.

1. Oblige
I don’t know that much about Oblige, maybe he is a great guy but he is running with the endorsement of the USWP! The USWP zombies vote people in because well....they are zombies. Zombies don’t have brains, they have to eat brains to survive, and they are always hungry for more.
Truth be told I want to hope that Oblige will be good but I don’t know. I can tell you, however, that I don’t trust Henry Arundel/Pfieffer who is pushing people like a shopping cart towards Oblige.

2. Glove
I like Glove, he is in a word interesting. He should win because we trust him. Not that we only trust him because we are told to. Don’t you get the feeling you are being read a story when you read any article of his? I don’t like people who tell me how to think and Glove tells us how to think.
However I like Glove because he is sharp when it comes to article writing but does he need to be POTUS again?

Seriously, does he? Why not have him as POTUS 40 or 50 times?
Because absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Why do we need to have a USWP guy win over and over? We don’t.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Wake up zombies. Wake up.

Funny pics
by code0011

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