The Wordsmiths: Volume 1, Issue 2

Day 1,462, 16:31 Published in USA USA by FreedomFightr

Monday, November 21th, 2011 -~- Volume 1, Issue 2 -~- eRep day 1,462


Page 1: Pull It Together by portcolumbus

Page 2: V3 Is Near by Dirty Scarlet Silverbeard

Page 3: Playboy by XxBusinessMogulexX

Page 4: Let's talk Money by kooguy

Pull It Together
by portcolumbus

We can all sit here and think about what Congress or the President could be doing differently, and maybe someone would come up with something meaningful and message it to a few people. But, instead of doing that, let's all sit together and think of how to make sure the eUS bounces back faster from the recent invasions. We all know this has happened before, and then we came back and kicked the living crap out of Spain. The problem is that when this happens, we sometimes have economic issues on the horizon to deal with.

During the last invasion this summer, we had some CBO donations fall below 60k USD, and that indicated something we needed to address. Now, in the midst of a terrible invasion, we are yet to face the problem of lower CBO donations. That shows how well we prepared after what happened to us last time. We prevented ourselves from making the same mistakes. We surely could improve in other areas, but let's not begin trolling on our members of Congress. They have yet to mess up a CBO donation this term or last to my knowledge.

Recovery from massive region loss won't be a fast thing, as we all remember from before. We can however ensure that we come back faster, stronger, and more patriotic than ever before in history. Never live in the past, instead, fight like hell for a better future. The time has come for us as Americans to stop all the trolling in the media, all the bickering that might take place, and set our sights on forming a better tomorrow for the eUnited States of America. If we stick together, this fight, however long, will be made easier by our fellow fighters in arms. They are the best the world has ever seen. I'll leave you with a quote from a fellow American, one I admire very much.

"Our problems are man-made, therefore they may be solved by man. No problem of human destiny is beyond human beings."

-John F. Kennedy, 35th President of the United States

V3 Is Near?
by Dirty Scarlet Silverbeard

Around a month ago, Jon Malcom and I were the very, i mean very first two folks to introduce you to a first look of how the 3rd generation of eRepublik may look and how it all comes into play. I want to warn you, this is just our personal opinion and is based on Predictions. Thanks to the retard, who leaked this info, to a friend of mind, who then handed down photos to us out of thin air, no really, it happened an hour before we released it to the public, it was awesome. The only question I ask you is this, the hype building up to it, well it be worth it? Lets get together and review the the facts.

Most of the rumors and the facts I have seen and received have glazed over my eyes. eRepublik really could use a face lift. V2 was released Augest of 2010 and the Developers have been releasing some new things like the Military Units and truth be told, there's a lot of anger from folks. They complain about defects in all the modules of the system. Personally I love new things, but new things always become controversial. Will the admins bring back the beloved ad system? For more info on this, watch for a longer piece to be posted in Pirate Bay. Also I'm making an appearance on eNPR Radio Broadcast Monday.

by XxBusinessMogulexX

After the success of the first article, The Wordsmiths produce a new one, a better one. There were a lot of critics, both good and bad about the last article. Now let's take Playboy as an example:

The first edition of Playboy looked like this:

But after many years of improving the magazine, after many hours, days spent on listening to the readers, considering their suggestions and trying to change the magazine the way readers want it to look like they're now to this:

It's a russian version 😛

We don't need years, we don't need months all we needed was a week and we're back. With not just improved version of the Wordsmiths, we're back with more interesting content, better format, better graphics, basically we improved everything. We want to shape this magazine not the way we want, we want to make this magazine the way you want. Like Jon Malcom sai😛 "We exist not to gather your votes but rather to gather your hearts. For you see if I have that then you will always vote and subscribe, but even then I want you to look at us like a magazine you got in the mail and you can’t wait to read the next story. In fact you crave more. You want more. You need more and because of those inner desires of the heart we try to write more. That is our goal: Make you love the writing."

And we will manage to achieve our goal!

Let's talk Money
by kooguy

Lately business has become a hot topic in the eUS. Ever since the recent income tax hikes and the VAT tax decrease there have been many long discussions on the topic. At one point during the proposals the latest articles were flooded with papers talking about what kind of effect they predict this will have, and whether or not it will be beneficial to the nation as a whole.

While reading these articles I stumbled across some heated debates between some well known players. It was a time of excitement, and annoyance. There has even been a party created called Tax Revolt that is "An initiative to revoke the current destructive tax regime and to represent the eAmerican taxpayers' interests." The party is founded by Stranger here Myself, a known opponent of the proposals. I think that explains how people have taken sides in this debate.

Ever since the tax hikes gold has fallen a decent amount. Previously, gold was well over $1000 and growing consistently. Now, gold is under $1000 and is staying pretty close to the $900 mark.

In the food world it appears as if Q3 food is easily the best buy. It goes for 26 cents a health point, whereas all the others are going for 28 and 29 cents. Also, Food Raw Materials have risen considerably over the past few days.

If you look at the weapons market it is evident that Q4 is the best bang for your buck. It goes for $6.03 per damage. If you look at the other weapons they are ranged between $6.06 and $6.24 per damage point. If you want Weapon Raw Materials you will see they aren't moving too much.

Information gathered from HERE.

The Wordsmiths Endorse
The Opinions of a Man
Revolutionary Times
16 Shells
Meet The Press
Voice of America
B.M. Entertainment
Conventional Wisdom
Chae Dee Business
Allied War Report
The Book of Jude
DOD Orders
Education Today
The Randomness Times
The Pirate Bay
Kooguy's Fire
Flooding with Truth
Awesom-o Super News
Pickle Barrel

Helpful Stuff for Newer Players
Bewbs for Newbs
Meals on Wheels

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