The Wish: A New Way to Look at Anything

Day 1,326, 19:39 Published in USA USA by Agent Washington

There are some things in this world where no matter what the angle you observe them from they are always going to be the same. The facts are the facts, no room for loose interpretation or false hopes.

A peacock feather is not one of those things. If you change how you look at it, the angle it is from your eye, the type of light, dozens of other things, it never looks quite the same.

Colors so vibrant, iridescent, so that no matter how many times you look at this one feather it is never the same.

She is dying, and that is a fact. Nothing can change that. But what is life?

A path, with many branches that in the end, regardless of the choices, is a path that can only reach one place?

A journey with ups and downs until we reach our deaths?

An opportunity?

A storybook?


Is there even an answer?

I’ve come to believe that there isn’t, there can't be. Just like the feather, you can view it in innumerable different ways. Maybe that’s what makes a life so vibrant and unique. You cant change the fact that a feather is a feather. That is what it is, even if you choose to call it by another name.

So it is with a life. A person is a person, they each have a beginning a middle and an end. No matter how long or short, a life is a life.

A death is a death.

Yet I am not her, nor is she the girl who lives down the street.

There is a magic in the way of this world. One that we can’t see, that in something that we can define and name, something that we all have in common, can also look so different to each person, can be so different for each person.

I think a moment on what a life is without death, think on the pain and suffering of my own flesh and blood. And in the last page of a cherished scrapbook I place the peacock’s feather with a simple wish.

To never forget what a peacock's feather means.

To never forget that which it represents.

A wish in its own right.