The Wildcard, Uncle Sam's new VP choice

Day 441, 03:48 Published in USA USA by Joe DaSmoe

Our candidate for President Uncle Sam has lost his VP. Many saw his choice of Will Shafer as a thorn in the side of Sam's otherwise strong platform. I believe what it shows is Sam's willingness to work across party lines, work together with everyone. He is the candidate that stands for the people. Uncle Sam's desire to win is strong, he is passionate about advancing our country. If elected he will bring key changes.

Many will wonder why pick me as VP. Well, let me tell you. I am a big-hearted guy in RL and on eRep, being a father of three, with another in the oven, it's in my nature. I have done the best I can, working to actively help out. I would hope that I have helped many players discover how entertaining this game can be. I am an active Marine, I have fought for our country in several overseas conflicts. I am a man with fresh viewpoints, as many of you know I have a unique way of approaching things. My voice echoing through the halls of the White House will do nothing but help the little guy. I am the voice of the common man.

Just like Sam I will fight to improve our country, unite us as a nation. I want to see more serious dialogue on War Games, Sam promises to make this a priority. The recent theft of our federal reserve has led to higher taxes, an unfortunate evil. Once the government's fund is replenished, I'm for lower taxes. I believe more money in our citizens pockets and active training grounds in the form of war games will serve as a tremendous boost to our economy. Sam and I also intend to work for the interests of small, new companies right here in America. This generation of new companies should be given the ability to grow and prosper, spawning jobs along the way.

I am aware this nomination offered to me by Sam is a bold step for a guy who hasn't been too political. I say to that fact, that's exactly why you should consider a vote for Uncle Sam. Politics take a back-burner to meaningful progress in my book, as well as Sam's. I am up to the challenge. As for my official political leanings I am a conservative, but I have been a Uswp member off and on as well as a Nationalist party member, where I won a Recruitment contest. I joined the CVP on an invite from Desertfalcon, a player I have a lot of respect for. He has offered me a board seat in the party and I intend to become vocal from my chair. The point is I am willing to work with anyone no matter what the party affiliation.

I will finish by saying, Lets put a fresh face in Washington America! Look for Uncle Sam/Joe DaSmoe on the ballot and cast a vote for the benefit of our Great Nation. Let's fix America!
This has been a trying month for us to say the least. Its time for something different. Uncle Sam has just presented that opportunity to you America.

As always thanks for reading,
Joe DaSmoe candidate for VP.