The way forward... or does Indonesia know how to make friends?

Day 1,304, 04:35 Published in Australia USA by Majester

The months have been interrupted briefly by a period of peace wherewe forged friendships with Chile and New Zealand in training wars and inconsequential back-stabs. Indonesia obviously felt left out and we're back into a cycle of abuse. I guess what we get for becoming complacent and assuming AngelDemon was gone forever.

The truth is, that Australia was just starting to recover and gain new citizens. Is the Indonesia aggression a deliberate attempt to genocide Australia or is it an accident of timing? I prefer to think its the latter since nobody wants to see eRepublik die. This forces and issue though: do we continue on the same path in the desperate hope that the cycle will stop repeating, or do we strive for a new sustainable direction?

Our choices are simple:

Indonesia does the unthinkable
a) Indonesia makes a gesture of good will to Australia in exchange for peace. They give us Maluku Islands in exchange for WA, SA, and Vic. This means a little pain to them to sooth a lot of our grief and righteous anger. It means we deal as potential partners instead of bitter rivals. It means Australia (and eRep) get the chance to grow instead of perpetuating our genocide and their loss of face internationally because they are too tied up in Australia to adequately support their allies. It means Indonesia defies blind nationalism is favour of taking a brave step towards a new world.

Indonesia negotiates in good faith
b) Indonesia returns SA, WA, and Vic and takes Pacifica and NT instead. Argentina does not need Pacifica for grain. Indonesia do. Indonesia and Argentina do still hold hands. We do not need NT for saltpeter, but we need WA for growth. Victoria's Aluminium is a loss to Indonesia, but such is the price of a guaranteed peace with a very belligerent neighbour and not being prepared to give up a home region but expecting it of us. This gives us room to grow with some small countries until we are ready to return to the world stage again. Our growth means eRepublik grows. Who knows, one day we could all be in the same alliance if both sides show they can behave. And what an alliance that could be if all the pacific unites under a red flag of honour and might.

Indonesia commits genocide
c) We keep bumping our heads and Australia dies. Every day we get wiped we lose more players. Every day we have fewer that 2/2 NRB we shrink as players bleed off. Australia is gasping. We have been since the 3 month PTO only to be kicked every time we stabilize. Pretty soon, there will be nobody left to to entertain Indonesia. Seems great now, until you remember that some of the most epic moments have between our nations. Indonesia can either appreciate our contribution, or spend the next few agonising months perpetually caught up in RW with us because, as they already know, Australia never backs down. Genocide is fun I hear - who care if it hurts the greater game or your reputation.

Indonesia, start learning to treat with us or be doomed to repeat the same boring cycle. You have options, none are unreasonable.