The War with Ireland

Day 595, 20:34 Published in USA USA by Craig Lancaster


As a somewhat-new eAmerican, I've noticed something about our war with Ireland. Several times in the past few weeks, Ireland has attacked Rhode Island and everytime Ireland has lost. Does Ireland really think that it has a chance of securing Rhode Island when they've lost everytime they've tried? They clearly don't know what the American military is capable of. It doesn't help that Ireland has no allies and the U.S. has, what? Thirteen?

I've also noticed that the U.S. has never attacked Ireland. Maybe that should be a hint. I think Ireland should just give up on attacking the U.S. The people of Ireland need to quit wasting their wellness in trying to break down our defenses because they're never going to win. I propose that Ireland try for a peace treaty before America gets sick of being attacked and tries to silence them.

That is all.