The US Today: In 2 Minutes or Less

Day 907, 22:56 Published in Canada USA by Mr. Hyphenated
Publishe😛 22:45 ERT on May 15, 2010 - Day 907

International|Domestic|Glossary of Terms
Ohaithar Canadia (again) Edition!
A brief personal note: I recently reached both Media Mogul and Field Marshall. To celebrate, I'm bringing back my US Today: In 2 Minutes Or Less articles, but this time I'm publishing internationally. In acknowledgment of new international audience, the US Today will be slightly re-organized.

International News

-After epicly botching the MPP stacks by attacking Romania's home regions, Bulgaria, down to their last region, is on the verge of being wiped from the map by Serbia to reset the whole mess. A resistance war timed to end shortly after the last conquest battle by Serbia will return to Bulgaria to the map soon thereafter.

-A resistance war has started in Delaware. Canada will soon no longer be inside of us. T_T I haz a sad. It'll keep France--who borders Delaware--from initiative blocking our hat without activating their MPPs.

-Croatia attacked Slovenia at Lower Carniola.

-A great piece of investigative journalism by Coda reveals the origins of the EDEN Logo. EDEN is stealing from the children! OH THE SHAME.

Article Round Up:
Aeros - Where to We Go From Here?
Judean Princess - The Real Cost of War

Domestic (US) News
Party President Elections tomorrow; Press Corps Announced

-The interpartisan bickering has reached a pitch not seen in recent memory. You know it's pretty bad when one of the eUS' most loyal partisans, Fionia, resigns from party politics all together.

-The majority of the bickering pertains to accusations that the APF pursued political gains instead of helping counter PTO threats by PizzaThehut and others. SEES, in turn, is accused of forcing APF to defend their territory by encouraging Max McFarland 2 to run for APF Party President.

-Meanwhile South Africa faces a true PTO threat.

-Amid all of this, President Harrison Richardson has called for greater trust and unity. It's so logical that it's bound to fial

-Fingerguns needs a man. /me grabs himself.

Article Round Up:
Department of Citizen Orders - DoD Orders
The Pony Express - Express Deliveries

Your Moment of Zen:

If you feel that an article you wrote should be included in my semi-daily summary, feel free to PM me a link. Please note that I will try to keep my summaries as few and as brief as possible.

~Mr. –

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