The upcoming Congressional Term

Day 672, 06:58 Published in USA USA by Sheriff Yoda

Well, folks. We've come a long way since the dark days of July. We're now on top of this war and our military is a lean mean fighting machine, as PEACE is finding out to its collective pain every day.

Our allies have been strong and dependable. These ties should be strengthened even as the threat from PEACE wanes. Let's never forget their sacrifices in this war, they also have suffered invasion and indeed two of them are still under the iron boot of occupation. After kicking Peace out of North America freeing both North Korea and Switzerland should be a priority.

However we have a larger question to ask ourselves, and that is what then? What do we do after we kick PEACE out of our and our allies territories? We've got several options the way I see it.

First- We can just ignore them. This option probably has some appeal to the less military minded of our citizens. I however think this would be a mistake, it would leave all the wars open and give PEACE a chance to recover the inititive and possiblely invade again.

Second- All out invasion conquering of PEACE. This option would appeal to the more militant among us, and while I can understand the emotional satisfaction seeing PEACE brought so low by our forces would be, I cannot support such a move, first there's the logistical challenge of GETTING to the PEACE nations. We only share a border with one of them. Second is it would only fuel PEACE's propaganda against us. While I'm not one to let what our enemies say about us dictate our operations, I'm also not one to give into pure emotion on this or any other issue. Invasion of PEACE simply isn't practical, either in a pure military sense or for our long term securtiy.

Third Option- Dismantling PEACE's empire. The simple fact is that Indonesia's and Hungary's foreign holdings and the clout that gives them is what allowed them to wage this war. The puppet nations Indonesisa and Hungary use need to know that there is another option and that America has grown up and will be what we should've always been, their protector, no charge. There are nations out there that are so small that they'll never be able to meet us on a quid pro quo basis, but that doesn't mean that we don't have a responsibility to protect them from the wolves of the world. This is for our benefit as much as theirs. We MUST prevent Indonesia and Hungary or even Russia from exploiting these nations.

This must start by freeing the lands currently held by PEACE. After our own I would suggest a good place to start this would be in India. India's Indonisian held territory is isolated from the rest of Indonesia, so once liberated via a resistance war Indonesia would be hard pressed to reclaim those regions. The same holds true for their Chinese holdings. By returning these regions to their native owners we would sow good will in these regions while at the same time reducing Indonesia and Hungry's power. Whether this gets done via our diplomats or by the Marines and Mobile Infantry I do not care, so long as it is done.

Rebuilding will also be on our agenda, where will our fortresses be and how to fund them. Currently it looks like Florida will remain a fortress location by default, there's nothing we have to do to make it one and it has the infrastucture, however it isn't in the best of places. California will almost assuredally be a fortress location. Up for discussion will be the number of fortresses and if more than one where the other's would be.

Also on rebuilding is convincing the populace to move to and remain in the fortress area even after the end of the war. I know you all love your real life home states, but we saw what happened when citizen's put their real life state over the needs of eAmerica. I for one NEVER want to see a foreign invasion of our enation take place like this again. So PLEASE, when the government asks you to move someplace its not because we're control freaks, its because we want the walls of our fortresses to be high enough to deter invasion. Just look at Florida, there is a REASON it has never been attacked.

With that I look forward to serving both Georgia and the United States in the capacity of Congressman, and ask for your vote on the 25th.