The Unity Party

Day 614, 09:12 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Unity Party

Election Day

Yesterday, the citizens of the UK voted for who they wanted to enter into Congress. With 304 votes nationally, The Unity Party got 18 Candidates into their respective regions.

On behalf of myself and all the elected Unity party Congressmen I would like to say a Huge Thank you.

Why are these terms results different?

The Unity Party is the second largest party in the UK. As was the case for the previous four months, the largest party would usually lead the elections with slightly more Congressmen then the other four top parties.

However, this month TUP dominated the elections, having 18 successful Candidates is the most any party has gotten in an election since before last October. Lets have a look at how many Congressmen top 5 parties have had, up until now;

October: UKRP 11, TUP 8, PCP 8, UBP 8, LTU 4, Total 39
November: UKRP 10, TUP 9, PCP 8, UBP 5, LTU 2, Total 34
December: TUP 11, UKRP 11, PCP 8, MDU 3, UBP 2, Total 40
January: TUP 10, UKRP 10, PCP 9, MDU 8, LTU 1, Total 38
February: TUP 12, UKRP 11, PCP 8, MDU 5, FTP 4, Total 40
March: UKRP 12, TUP 11, PCP 9, MDU 4, IFTP 4, Total 40
April: UKRP 14, TUP 12, PCP 8, RFA 4, MDU 2, Total 40
May: UKRP 14, PCP 12, TUP 9, RFA 3, MDU 2, Total 40
June: UKRP 13, TUP 11, PCP 10, RFA 5, BEP 1, Total 40

TUP 18, UKRP 14, PCP 8, RFA, 4 BEP 2, Total 46

As you can see, this term we broke away from our rivals (and friends) the UKRP.

I have recently received messages from many members of smaller parties and a few parties in the top 5, praising our manifesto, and stating who many people agreed with our aims and methods. Why not take a look back out our manifesto, and ask yourself, would you like to be in the TUP?
Are you fulfilling your potential? Is your party making the best use they can of it's members?

Many people voted TUP this term, and I believe that many people will reconsider their positions, and hopefully join TUP.

If you're wondering about the Party and what we do, feel free to contact me.

On a final note, I invite existing members to join us on the forums, we have our own sub forum that only members of the party can get access to, so if you visit the UK forums and message me there, I can grant you access 🙂

Mr Woldy,
TUP Party President