The United States Today: In 2 Minutes or Less

Day 873, 00:35 Published in USA USA by Mr. Hyphenated
Publishe😛 23:59 ERT on April 10, 2010 - Day 872

Military|Politics|Community|Glossary of Terms
Inb4PirateJokes Edition

Military Maneuvers
Western Australia a Debacle

-Around server reset yesterday, Indonesia attacked Western Australia with far more ferocity than the Northern Territory was the previous day. This is in part because of a pending peace treaty between the two countries. Indonesia attacked the Western Territory before the measure went before their Congress, meaning that the Congress could accept the peace treaty IF Indonesia won the battle, or they could reject the treaty if Indonesia lost. Despite trailing for much of the day EDEN/Brolliance forces clawed their way back to secure territory in the closing hour of the battle to secure the region...

...The battle failed to close properly, however, and after 30-40 minutes of fierce fighting *that shouldn't have been taking place*, Phoenix has tanked the battle back into the underground at the time of publishing. It looks like this battle will be decided by the Administrators, which is always a perilous route. (EDIT: The battle finally closed. It looks like EDEN/Brolliance won.) Both sides spent a large amount of gold tanking on this battle, and likely spent even more during the 30-40 minutes of fighting after the battle 'ended'. The impact of these exertions on tomorrows battles remains to be seen.

-Indonesia again attacked the Northern Territory of Australia several hours before the 'close' of the Western Australia battle, keeping Australia perma-blocked. Meanwhile Australian-held Kwazulu Natal was attacked by Brazil.

-Finland and Sweden have attacked Russia at natively Finnish regions as the Scandinavians continue to try to reclaim territory. Finland was also rebuffed today by Russia in the Northern Territory.

Article Round Up:
Department of Citizen Orders - DoD Orders
The Pony Express - Express Deliveries
Department of Interior - Battle for Western Australia
Aeros - All or Nothing for Western Australia
Wahoobob - Australian Offensive A Success
Woxan - Great Success

Condolences to Poland

-As has been well chronicled elsewhere, the RL Polish President as well as many other Polish leaders died today in a plane crash in Russia. I mourn along with Poland for the President's untimely death. My sincerest condolences.

-White House Press Release #91 covers handing out guns for the Indonesian battles, condolences to Poland, and signing up to be a Congressional Blocker.


-A new midnight eRep Insider came out just around the time the battle for Western Australia should have closed. It reveals that instead of a static number of gold for an achievement, you now have a chance to win more--or less--gold with treasure maps. Presumably they think that introducing this randomness (i.e. gambling) will create more excitement. But still, a treasure map for clicking the work button 30 days in a row could win me more gold than getting 1000 subscribers? That's pretty silly to me.

P.S. Inb4piratejokes

Your Moment of Zen:

If you feel that an article you wrote should be included in my semi-daily summary, feel free to PM me a link. Please note that I will try to keep my summaries as few and as brief as possible.

~Mr. –

The Brolliance Newspaper Network
Canadian Writers!
jbdivinus // Acacia Mason // Tyler F Durden // Craig Norman // Banach //Adasko
Irish Writers!
patton // Donovan Thomas // Irish Princess // Edana Savage// Niall H // 5n4keyes
Australian Writers!
Dartreal // patti11
US Writers!
Myles Robinson // system0101 // sydiot // Mr. Hyphenated // Sleeve

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