The United States Today: In 2 Minutes or Less

Day 844, 23:42 Published in USA USA by Mr. Hyphenated
Publishe😛 23:00 ERT on Mar 13, 2010 - Day 844

Military|Politics|Community|Glossary of Terms
I'm Back Edition

A note to my readers: Due to preoccupation with being Secretary of Media, it's been difficult to publish as regularly as I'd like. God, it's been a while. Anyways, insomnia means you get another edition!

Military Maneuvers
Croatia and Poland set up for region swap

-The big news of the day is that Poland has region swapped through Slovakia, Austria, and is now working on a hostile-take over of Slovenia to reach Croatia. I believe the plan is for Croatia to then region swap through Poland's newly acquired territories to a German or French high-resource region.
Edit:Sossu offers a pretty interesting analysis on the situation here. I may stand corrected.

-Argentina reclaimed natively-South African KwaZulu Natal from Australia.

-Romania attacked the Republic of Modolva for a training war.

Article Round Up:
Department of Citizen Orders - DoD Orders

AAP Shenangians

-Well it's been all over eRepublik Advertisements and the eUS Forums but yeah, everyone and their mother is running for America's Advancement Party President. They range from the serious (Emmanuel Cruise) to the quasi-serious (Emerick / Max McFarland) to the silly (Pizza The Hut) to the guy-that-just wants to get more votes than former eUK Prime Minister Woldy (Necrosis). It's very possible that a serious candidate will not win, which would be a pretty big blow to the party. Then again, I think that many political observers see this as a coup de grace on a party that has been decaying for a while now.

-White House Press Releases are out every day now. I wonder if that has anything to do with the disappearance of the US Today: In 2 Minutes Or Less. Nah, probably not.

-BradleyReala has a broner for Spain. Very nice. Me too.

-Welcome Back, Myles Robinson. Adios to Turd Fergusen and Aeros who have left us for eAustralia.

Your Moment of Zen:

If you feel that an article you wrote should be included in my semi-daily summary, feel free to PM me a link. Please note that I will try to keep my summaries as few and as brief as possible.

~Mr. –

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