The United States Today: In 2 Minutes or Less

Day 785, 21:03 Published in USA USA by Mr. Hyphenated

Maru the Cat Edition!

Military Maneuvers
Slovenia is back. Greece loses the initiative again.

-The biggest story of the day is that Slovenia has returned to existence thanks to three successful resistance wars and a successful Hungarian attack against Croatia. The fact that Croatia failed to winy of those four battles has me a little suspicious. Over on the eUS forums, doturluigi alleges Croatia failed this was because the Croatian Army was so disorganized that the soldiers got the order to fight just 5 seconds before the battle closed. He also notes that a presidential impeachment attempt is underway.

-Greece lost the battle for a bridgehead on Turkish shores, so, once again, Turkey takes the initiative and attacks Greece at the Aegean Islands.

-The eUS returned many of the Chinese regions that had been used to reach HLJ.

-The UK continues to block Spain.

-Aeros helps clear up a lot of misconceptions about initiative and the game mechanics of war. A must read if you're even a little hazy about war mechanics.

DoD Orders / Aeros / doturluigi

Harlot's running for President! Or is he...

-Eugene Harlot announces that he is not, in fact, running for President. Which of course, means that I have to say that Harlot is running for president! I do it because I wubs you, Harlot.

-Lt. Poohead wrote an article about a potential Japanese PTO which has since been retracted. I support you, Poohead, for attempting to do some truly investigative journalism, a rare thing here. Time will tell whether you were right to write the article or not.

-system0101 writes another fantastic article on the benefits of the Game Mechanics Approach. Game Mechanics are what the make the US a success. Read up on them.

-Senator Maxx Johnson announces the Community Development Program. If you're interested in helping increase player retention and player education, check it out.

Harlot / system0101 / Johnson

A US Stock Exchange is announced

-In a novel idea, AidenAstrup, founder of t'jelle bank, has helped to open a US Stock exchange. This should have been in yesterday's edition of this paper, but the news slipped my mind. My apologies, Aiden.


Please, keep Haiti in your thoughts.

-Joe Newton presents Emerick's wiki page, which was written by Emerick. It's another reminder of who Emerick was, and how much he'll be missed.

-The Lulz Court of the eUS encourages everyone to mock HeinekenCoC in a a thread as punishment for being found guilty of Spamming and other things not-reprintable here.

-Finally, a note about something IRL. Tragically, Haiti suffered a massive, massive earthquake. Phoenix Quinn writes about how you can help. Please, at least keep the Haitians in your thoughts today.

Emerick / Mock Heineken / Phoenix Quinn

If you feel that an article you wrote should be included in my semi-daily summary, feel free to PM me a link. Please note that I will try to keep my summaries as few and as brief as possible, so that I don't end up getting TL; DR-ed more than the articles I summarize.

~Mr. –

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Maru the Cat:

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