The UK War Made Easy I

Day 805, 17:56 Published in USA USA by Woxan
This is the beginning of a series of articles to break down each battle and the mechanics behind the war to lead to a more informed populace and understanding behind the wars in Western Europe

Why the UK? Why France?

Some players may wonder why the US and allies are so hellbent on eradicating the United Kingdom, and why Spain wishes to obliterate and carve up France with Poland.

Spain and France have had a long rivalry ever since the Spanish attempted an invasion in December 2007, dubbed "French Toast." The precursor alliance to EDEN, ATLANTIS, attacked France from 5 different sides (USA, Canada, UK, Sweden, Spain). Half of France fell, but they pushed back. Fast forward to July/August 2008. Spain attacks France to block them from attacking Canada, which was beind decimated by PEACE, the precursor alliance to PHOENIX. This activates MPPs which the French use to completely wipe out Spain. The Spanish came back, and in December 2008, began the attacks into France.

The United Kingdom is another story. Once allied with the current members of EDEN, new leadership in the UK lead them a bit astray. They rejected an alliance being formed between the United States, Canada, Ireland, Spain, and the United Kingdom. Canada and the USA were annoyed, but no deep blood was spilled, yet. Under the guise of a "Training War," the United Kingdom swapped Scotland to Hungary and put up a border with Canada. Hungary would later swap into the occupied Canadian provinces with the help of the UK, both splitting regions. The magnitude of this backstab was enormous. It took 3 months for EDEN to push Hungary out of North America. For the United Kingdom's betrayal of alliances by letting in our strongest enemy through the gates, and to take a strategical position away from PHOENIX in Western Europe, we invaded the United Kingdom.

Initiative Chart

What is initiative? eRepublik is a turn based game. When a country attacks, only 1 can attack at a time. Initiative is which country has the advantage over the other by being able to attack. When you are attacked by another country, you cannot attack another unless you retreat the regions under attack. After you win a battle, you have initiative against that country for 24 hours.

A > will have the open side facing the country that has initiative. A - means either country can attack.

United Kingdom

Norway > UK
UK > Spain
Sweden > UK
UK > Poland
UK > Canada


USA - France
Spain > France

War Progress

In France, Spain has conquered Corsica with the help of mobile EDEN forces, which had a Q4 hospital and was France's last region until the successful resistance wars in Limousin and Southern Normandy. Right after the victory, Spain allowed Poland to conquer Provence and Corsica to prevent the Italians from blocking the Spanish. The Spanish initiated an attack on Aquitaine immediately after, draining battle from the fronts in the United Kingdom and maintaining the initiative. Aquitaine holds France's last Q5 hospital and is their only High Wood Region remaining. France is now down to 5 regions, with Poland, Spain, and the USA holding the rest.

The United Kingdom saw a 3 pronged assault on her original territories last night by Canada, Norway (+MPPs) and the USA (+MPPs). Norway attacked Scotland, Canada attacked Scotland and Wales, and the USA attacked Wales and Southwest England. The USA won Wales and SWE with -700k and -1 million point walls respectively. Norway attacked Nordjylland immediately after to keep initiative against the United Kingdom, but was retreated by the UK to open up blocks on Spain and Poland. Sweden attacked Northeast England, keeping the British initiative locked by Norway and Sweden.

United Kingdom, Day 1.

The victories in SWE and Wales mark the second time in all of the UK's history when an original region has been occupied by another country, and the first victories in the war against the UK. Southwest England had a Q5 Hospital and Wales had a Q3 hospital, leaving some British citizens trapped behind enemy lines, as well as some companies.

The USA has now attacked Southeast England, a region sporting a Q5 Hospital, Q4 DS, and a healthy population and amount of companies.