The UK Update - Day 1662

Day 1,662, 10:53 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Max Blue

This article is aimed at explaining the current events in terms that the newest player can understand, yet has all the details an experienced player looks for.


The UK has 5612 citizens, that is 2.47% of the global erepublik population, and a further 82 people have started today.

How to increase population numbers

The UK can improve these by looking after its current popualtion and making sure new people are engaged with and stay playing the game. The UK Ministry of Home Affairs newspaper (here) and the UK Ministry of Defence newspaper (here), are two things that should be checked in on regularly and should be recommend to others as much as possible.

I have started a facebook page that communicates both between erepublik players, and non-erepublik players. Have a look at it: Erepublik Society.


The productivity of the UK population is determined by how many different resources the UK has connected to the capital. The UK currently has 3 food bonuses and 3 weapon bonuses. This means every time a UK citizen works, an extra 60 food or 6 weapons are produced, per worker, per day (compared to if there were no bonuses).

The UK has all its original productivity bonuses, but has a further food bonus. This is due to the UK signing a peace deal with Ireland. The UK holds Dublin and Louth, it is because of this the UK gains an extra 20 food everytime a worker works in a food company. Dublin and Louth must both be held for this to continue (Dublin is the connecting region between Louth and the UK's capital).

How to improve the economy

Agreeing deals with other nations to borrow regions from them, or launching military action are two ways to gain higher productivity bonuses. These are difficult though and it will require alot of diplomacy and cost, or huge costs and co-ordinated attacks with UK allies to take more regions.

One of the more effective ways to maintain productivity for yourself is to wake up and work in erepublik every day. The small amount of time it takes to do the basics in erepublik makes this pretty easy. Combine that with accessing the basics of erepublik via your phone everyone should be able to work and train daily.


The UK currently has 23 MPP's and other allies too. Ireland currently holds Scotland and Northern Ireland. This is because the UK and Ireland have a peaceful agreement that gives these regions to Ireland, and it also gives the UK Dublin and Louth. This deal provides the UK with a productivity bonus and also one for Ireland. The UK and Ireland are currently still at war, but this is due to the 'natural enemy law' which automatically declairs war on the proposed enemy every 24 hours. This means the UK attack on Wexford is not to be won as it is just a technical battle an not a battle endorsed by anyone in the UK.

How to improve the military

It is important to join a military unit as this will provide you with a bazooka and energy bar everytime you complete the daily orders. Use the MU 'feed' (accessed via the 'homepage') to communicate with others in your unit and suggest ideas here to improve the unit. You can also increase your military might by getting involved in military strikes in #MoD. I will get onto this in more detail in the society section...


The UK uses a couple of tools outside of the main erepublik game to host features that can enrich your erepublik experiance. These are the UK external forum and the erepublik IRC channels (internet relay chat). The forum is used for hosting group spaces (such as party/military unit private areas), debating areas and more relaxed communication than in game. However beware sometimes the chatter here is/can become daft.

The IRC is used for instant chat, and it opperates like a free text message system where everyone in the 'room' can see and communicate with group. Check out the links to the forum and the IRC at the bottom of this article - after of course voting for this article at the top of the page.

How to improve the UK society/get involved

Every political party and military unit has a space just for memebers. Once you have joined a party/miliitary unit you can join the groups area by finding it in the 'feed'. Go to the homepage and click on the group tab you wish to join on the right hand side. Comment ideas/thoughts and questions into this space and get involved.

Create a newspaper and write what you are interested in and use the general 'feeds' on the 'homepage' to communicate. Also drop into the forum and IRC at sometime to see what they are all about.

The UKF promotes (the following):


The NHS offers players under 60 days old, 400 health a day (40 Q5 food), until they reach 2 month old. This means you can save up money for companies and weapons instead. The blue writing here contains a link to the NHS application form. Alternatively contact Blue And Evil via clicking the blue writing here and writing him a message.

Call to Arms o7

If you have UK citizenship and comment under any article published by the UK MoD you will receive 4 Q6 weapons. The MoD newspaper can be found here.

The new player guide

The UK has a great guide for new players created by Kravenn. Have a look at it by clicking on the blue writing here.

To conclude

If you found this article helpful or you think it will be helpful to others please 'vote' for this article at the top of the page.

The UK forum can be found here:
Erepublik IRC channels can be found on the Rizon IRC here: (join #MoD)

For more...

Stay tuned to this newspaper by subscribing at the top of the page and by adding Max Blue (me) to your friends list.