The UK goes to war against Canada

Day 1,333, 00:57 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Max Blue

The UK has started the process of declairing Canada its natural enemy (NE). This is likely to pass as the UK could do with the war and Poland could do with a hand securing Canadain regions.

Poland is a massive nation, however it is spread between much of the world. Polands' empire streches through Germany, Netherlands, France, Canada, USA, Russia and possibly soon China.

The UK is also in control of an empire, but this consists of (the whole of) Ireland and a deer region in Canada, with a Canadian export route to the UK. The UK is likely to be able to help out against Canada, although expect a lot of fighting as its likely the Canadians will launch a head on MPPed (Mutral Protection Pact 'ed') attack a RW (Resistance War) and the Irish will launch a RW too.

So UK citizens if this law below passes expect a great deal of war. Prepare for it and be as active as realistically possible.

The start of good things or bad things?


- Set a side weapons, food, GBP and Gold to be used in the coming wars.

- Be prepared to come on a fight when needed.

- Join a MU (Military Unit), you will get more weapons and food here than working by yourself and you will get support here.

- Subscribe to the UK MoD orders HERE.

- Be prepared to spread the word.


- Vote and subscribe.

- Drop in and speak to me about anything on the IRC in #1starmoured (on Rizon).

~ UK's finest