The truth behind the Cortin of Lies and Interess.

Day 405, 23:01 Published in Norway Romania by OchiReci

Our president Alex Craciun plan all this crappy war to gain personal and party influence over a nation that was conduct in last half of years only with wars [ is more easy to open a war than to do something for a community or for a country ] .. where the political class from my country spend thousand of gold in own benefit [ hero badges , big ranks , resistance hero badge ]. Same like in Norway our president and his cabinet don`t give a shit about what the country really need and only force all country member to fallow there indications.

Why we attack Norway now ? And yes I say attack.

First time Alex Craciun and Salve make a deal and because they both act from there own will not regarding there citizen wishes , the second was force to deny it in the end and now on the second resistance on Northern Region Salve is apparently against the war. First reason for this is the vote from Norway Congress against the war and second is the general public opinion about it and international repercussions.

But don`t worry Romanian army will still fight , because Alex Craciun need to maintain his control over entire Romania and over his economy to be able to make new Generals and Field Marshal in future from the ones who are loyal to the cause.

In my previous article is a list of our best soldier and most of them become what they are with hundred of gold from national treasury in short steps . The others are free fighters like me , becoming what they are from there own pocket because are not in the camp who lick our leaders ego every`day. We have generals who receive hundred of gold from Romania and other who receive 0 , and in the future will have more of them all build from all my fellows effort and money.

Where the hell is the democracy here , and who the hell dare to say Romania act imperialist ? We aren't because Alex Craciun is no king , he`s just the President we are a Totalitarian Country where all 5000 losers work and do what one dude want. To all Romanian who will comment : dudes you receive all money from state until now because your voice is needed on this kind or article , I don`t receive nothing because my voice is writing this cheap article and I don`t lose my dignity commenting about the leaders who steal thousand of gold only because they might give me a small part of them also. Lame people , lame country ...lame elife.

Now going future , and leaving behind the Romanian pride [ was once , but now is just stupidity to be nationalist and to cover all dictators maneuvers and personal interest ]. Why the hell should I care about what people will say about Romania when the one who are elected to care ... make Q5 company and become field marshal and generals , them and all there friends , from Romanian money ? Why the hell should I start tell to the world how good they are , just to receive some gold ? My pride is not for sale , and my dignity is not something that any imaginary leader can buy with some imaginary gold

Norway lovely country , but almost in the same situation. Salve agree to give the region to Romania and now after all this mess he change his mind in front of public but not his agenda. So let`s have a intern Atlantis war and be all happy , he need to be elected again soon , and on my country another eUGD-ist need to continue Alex Craciun work in the same way. The fact that what Norwegians want isn't what mater is visible on the field. So basically Norwegian and Romanian are the same ... we are some sheep rule by a wolf and his crowd .. hilarious situation especially because both country pretend to be democratic.


And in the end , the astonish American aka the useless part of Atlantis , the country who is incapable to make a small amount of damage ...but the biggest ego from alliance. What is with her leaders and why they are so willing to act like some clowns in the world ? First they want a political take-over in Russia to control there resource and Romanian plan ruin there effort , and second America is the biggest country on number but one of the last when is come to military power. So being so lame and coming from a country where morality is missing they start to do what is the most easy : to speak. My personal opinion is that America is no asset to Atlantis and if will be after me I pretty sure that the country can disappear from world map in less than 1 month because is form by a bounce of "farmers" with big mouth and the rest of world are already at cavalier stage. So in the end Russia is a small country , America is biggest but there value is the same.

Crazy time we live , but who care ...this is what happen when strange people become virtual leaders and much better they even think they are special.

In the end I`m a general and currently I`m for hire , who pay me will benefit from my strength .. I don`t care that so call Romania is engage on battle ..because we aren`t .. this region is not a Romanian one , so my national interests is not in stake. I`m a RL nationalist , but I won`t be so stupid to be an eR Romanian nationalist who fight for other country regions.

I don`t even care about the region that will come next with high oil because I already have a oil company outside Romania [ in Norway ] and I will keep it even if my country will have one of there own because this entire war is having a single purpose .. to continue the rull of my country by military force by a group of sad people who will be able to be one more time the kings of the world.

So have a good day , read the article ,.. sell all you have and go drink a beer , coffee or everything you want in RL ..this game is awesome ..but have a big problem : are people who play it. When you come back ..find another game and let all so call "leaders" to continue there work here. With you or without you will be the same.