The truth about Rhone Alps? Interview.

Day 945, 02:51 Published in Hungary Hungary by Shaok
Hello Ernesto, I would like to ask you to introduce yourself to the Hungarian public.

Ernesto: Hi! I'm Ernesto-Che-Guevara, a French eRep Player. This month I'm Advisor for aguellid, the French President. In the past, I occupied many ministerial posts (MoD, MoE, MoF) and i was Vice-President Last month.

Main theme these days in Hungary is Rhone Alps and what it's future will be but I would like to ask you first about it's past. French media and even the Hungarian MoFA is suggesting that there was an agreement between our two countries before the attack on the region. Is that true?

Ernesto: Yes, absolutely True. The first Time we talked about this was last month. PHX asked us if we want to liberate both Aqui and RA and Rent RA to Hungary but we refused. In fact, we had an agreement with eRussia. They Tank 5K Golds in RA before daychange, and we payback them depending on the outcome of the battle. A very Nice deal who has has failed to work because Spain secured the region. This month, same proposal. They asked us to Rent RA to Hungary, and we accepted. The deal was We (France+Hungary+PH😵 liberate Aqui+RA and we rent Rhones alps 3 months to eHungary. It was a nice deal because profitable for both sides. I mean that with this deal France will have a High Wood region and Hungary one. And ofc, EDEN lose 2 important regions. We had 2 meetings, and we found an agreement.

So you say we had an agreement about renting for three months. What were the other conditions of it? Costs, etc.

Ernesto: Yes. We had One. The deal was pretty simple: We rent RA 3 months to eHungary in exchange of 15% of Total country Income. In addition, we agreed on a minimum (1600G) and a maximum (2300G) monthly. We found this agreement after 2 meetings of 4 Hours each. There were many persons from each Gov and ofc people from PHX. Polio, Kistru, Battalgazi, Donnie Branco, Jazar, romool, derp0, Tavo92 etc.

That sounds like a finished negotiation. Why weren't the results of it published in the media to inform the citizens of Hungary and France?

Ernesto: For a simple reason. Make this public agreement is equivalent to saying to EDEN "Hello, get ready, we will attack you soon." This agreement remained secret for military reasons therefore.

Yes but it remained secret to public after the military operations were finished too. What was the reason behind that?

Ernesto: We had a meeting with the Hungarian Gov Sunday @ 20h30 to formalize this agreement on our official newspapers. However, one day before that, I mentioned this agreement in my [url=ttp://]newspaper[/url] and many people were aware.

So it was open in France. In Hungary we had no official statement about it, only thing we were told that negotiations are going on. Do you have any idea why that happened, did you discuss it with the Hungarian delegation?

Ernesto: Well. In France, we need Congress approval for this kind of important decisions. So our Congress was informed about this agreement since the first day of negotiation. I do not know how things work in Hungary, but from our side, everything was completed. We had even prepared an article for our Official Journal. Hungary is an ally and we have confidence in our allies. Something normal, no ? 😁 When the meeting started, they told us that Hungarian congress unanimously rejected this agreement. I was very surprised by this and I doubt that this is true. Indeed, the agreement was beneficial to both parties.
Why Congress would refuse?

So the congress refusal was the reason for the meetings on day 943 and 944. What did you discuss there, can you speak about some development in the question?

Ernesto: As I explained earlier. The 943 day's rally was planned to formalize our agreement. But the government seems unwilling to meet its commitments. The meeting lasted three hours and to be honest with you, it was one of the most unpleasant meetings I've ever done. They told us that according to calculations done by the government, the rent was too expensive (why did they accept in this case?) And we had to renegotiate because we have no choice. According to their calculations, RA would yield only to 85G per day Hungary, which is false. Our President said, "Okay, give us RA and we will pay 86Golds by Day during the next 3 months". But they refused. Why refuse 86G daily when the region income is Only 85G ? 😁 I found some people in this meeting very arrogant and unhonest. As you probably know, For weeks Hungary have only had Grains, since the loss of HK. We offer them our best region, our economic lifeblood, for a rent far lower than what some EDEN's countries offered us in the past, and they refused. I have always been a man true to his word, I cannot accept that we discuss again on a deal agreed by both parties. A great nation always respects his word, no? It is even more unacceptable for us that we did ruin ourselves in those battles. Indeed, as LK was in danger, we ordered our soldiers to go fight there, taking the decision to maybe abandon Aquitaine, aiming that the tanking will be enough and abandoning the damages of our own army, in order to save LK. We pay almost 3000 golds in tanking on both battles. And in the end...That is why I have not personally attended the meeting yesterday (day944). I'm tired of being taken for a chump. France is no supermarket in which you take what you want for a low price ! Last month we signed a 5000Golds agreement with the Russia basing only on confidence. We simply trusted each other. I am not asking for the moon, just to respect our agreement.

What would you think of that agreement if you would be a neutral spectator? We have here more or less exact calculations that Rhone Alps would bring us 3500 gold monthly, and the tax revenue rose since conquering RA from Spain with around 100 gold daily making it to 3000 G/month estimated tax income. Do you think that paying 1600-2300 from 3000 is the most beneficial agreement between the two countries? I'm not questioning that an agreement has been already made, I only want to know how you see this.

Ernesto: Well, let's forgot one minute that I am French. I would say it is more interesting for both countries that we loan one region to Hungary and that we keep one, instead of having both. It is a fact, we do not have enough workers in order to fully exploit Aquitaine and RA. That is why I pushed our Congress to accept this deal. On the other side, I truly think RA is making more than 3500 golds per month. It is a region with 700 companies, mainly Q3-Q4 and Q5 (the most profitable). I will then say the loan was honest compared with the economic potential of the region. The time of the Iron rule is over. Today, Wood is much more valuable, and with V2, stone will be worth even more than Iron. Frankly, I think the agreement benefits both parties.

We speak here about three months and to be honest I don't really think that v2 will make it in this time, so I can't really take that as an argument. You say that you think it makes more than 3500 G/month. Let's just make a situation game. Would your opinion be the same if it would be only making 3000?

Ernesto: And if I am asking you back ? Do you think the HK of the Wood (because it is like that: RA as more Wood companies than any other region) is worth 1600 gold but month or not ? Or even better, of tomorrow China was offering you to take back this region for 1600g, will you accept it ?

Well it depends on the profit I guess. Will there be any further meetings? Will you attend to them and do you see a chance of finding a solution to the current problems?

Ernesto: Of course there will be (A new one is scheduled tonight) and we will find a agreement. It is obvious. Willingly or not, we HAVE to get along. We can't offer ourselves the luxury of fighting between us and let EDEN take advantage of this. Ordinary, I don't like talking about top secret subjects in public, but this time I think it is a good thing that the eWorld knows about what is going on. It will force everyone to take responsibility which isn't a bad thing at all. However, I sincerely hope that the negotiators will this time act with less arrogance. Indeed, I doubt that contempt is the best way to have what you want.

What if when we meet next week on IRC again there is a new meeting scheduled for that day? How long can take this?

Ernesto: I would truly be surprised if this last a week. If each part is making efforts, we will conclude a deal quickly. But if this last, I will say we must see the positive side of all things: you will have an easy article to write once more ! 😃

We will see. Thank you for the interview Ernesto.

Ernesto: Thanks o/

(magyar fordítás majd lesz, most kicsit más dolgom van, addig is kérdezze kezelőorvosát, gyógyszerészét.)