The True Patriot Cash Cow.

Day 2,793, 10:05 Published in Canada Canada by Exalted Druid

The True Patriot Cash Cow.

Traditionally rental agreements have been about getting a resource you are lacking for payments or NAP agreements.

I have an idea that would be of mutual benefit to both countries involved in a rental.

The deal would consist of two parties of very unequal strength.

Party A - the power

Party B -the small land owner.

Party B would give one territory to A of its choice.

Not for any compensation or bonus value but to use as a True Patriot Cash Cow.

RW’s would be started in this territory for both sides to get True Patriot cash. This would be on going as long as it is mutually beneficial to both sides. TP cash is way more valuable than any resource in the game or a bit of rent.

Both sides would work to keep this going as long as possible. The greater the difference in the sides strength the easier this will be to maintain for long periods of time. Eventually the determination bonus would be too great and a reset would be required but in the mean time we are talking about a major cash flow into both nations’ citizens pockets.

Game mechanics make setting up the Cash Cow a little tricky put with some planning it could be done fairly easily.

For us in Canada the USA could be party A and we party B or we could be party A and Ireland party B. We could even set up both scenarios at once and increase our flow of cash by RW’ing on alternating days. Maybe we already have a cow in the Netherlands?

The True Patriot Cash Cow. The cow that just keeps on giving.

Yours Respectfully

Exalted Druid