The Tide is Turning

Day 1,663, 17:19 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by Ivan Blair

Kia Ora Kiwis,

I come to you today, though not foolish enough to begin premature celebrations, to bring the good news that the joint Chilean-New Zealand Campaign against eArgentina (along with eAustralia and other allies) has begun to turn in our favor. I'm glad to say that I am safely writing this article from eNZ territory, and our troops have brought our flag penetrating into eAustralia.

Perhaps more interesting than eKiwi entry into eAustralia is the multiple fronts that eArgentina has finally found themselves caught in a multi-front war. eChile, once wiped entirely, has regained some territory and has continue to strike at eArgentina, placing the imperial nation on the defensive and rendering their engagements on eNZ territory a second-thought. It will be important, in coming days, for eNZ and eChile to continue to work together in their efforts to curb the vicious imperialism of eArgentina.

The recent successes of eChile has led an eAustralian journalist to write, "Chile have found their way back on to the map after being wiped by Argentina, and because of all of this tumult in this continent, there has been consequences wrought on other parts of the globe. TEDEN forces have been severely strained and, at this moment, ONE seems to have the upper hand. This could change as time progresses." If the current trends continue, ONE/EPIC will retake a position of global dominance over TEDEN.

The same eAustralian journalist has also shown a growing sense of disdain between eNZ and enemy eAustralia. Forgetting the betrayal that many Kiwis felt quite recently when eAustralia aligned themselves with eArgentina, the journalist, in response to eNZ's conquest of Victoria, wrote, "Every Kiwi must perish due this horrible offense committed against the Fatherland!"

Should this turning of the tide continue, eAustralia would be well-advised to abandon their foolish alliance with imperial-bully eArgentina. Had eArgentina been successful in forcing Oceania under their control, eAustralia would have been in an inferior position, anyway. Their best diplomatic move would be to regain the trust of their neighbors to the Southeast and "jump-ship" before eArgentina's futile campaigns end in defeat. All this is, perhaps too optimistically, assuming that the betrayed eKiwis can find trust in their neighbor again after the last few weeks. More as this develops...

(eAustralian Article Cite😛