The Test of Our Time

Day 770, 11:46 Published in USA USA by Gaius Julius
So this morning I woke up thinking "oh today should be a calm day"... I think I was wrong.

In a series of attacks and counter attacks Europe has exploded into what can only be described as a cluster*^%# of battles. Surprisingly one of the only countries not engaged in some kind of direct war is the US. This means it is time for the US to step up and take charge. EDEN commanders are already hard at work planning and prioritizing battles. However this alone will not win this conflict. Once again the US needs to step up and prove it can win not for ourselves but for EDEN. Here is how we are going to do it.

Using our resources:
The US is one of the richest countries in the eWorld and easily in the top 2 for EDEN (Spain is just filthy rich). This means we have a great deal of resources to commit to this battle. However when I talk about resources I am not just talking about tax revenue, the US has tons of citizens and I know many of you have stashes of gold and weapons that you are saving. Now is not the time to be hording money. We need to open up the flood gates and us our amazing economy to help our allies. We cannot be solely dependent on Government weapons programs and the military.

Give, Donate, Help:
This goes along with our resources. Say after you buy yourself weapons you still have some spare gold. You know that even with several days of hard fighting you wont exhaust it, yet you dont know what to do. There are tons of way this gold could be put to better use than burning a whole in your epocket. Last time we had a big battle I challenged the US to donate as much gold as possible ti the 1st armored division. We came up with over 800 gold. This gold was probably the tipping point between victory and defeat. We need to do this again guys. There are tons of way to find gold to donate. If every citizen did two gold surveys and donated half we could come up with thousands of gold. This is even better because the surveys are primarily American advantage. I challeneg every US citizen to do two gold surveys and donate half HERE.

Pay Attention
I cannot emphasize this enough. Follow DoD orders, if you are not sure pm someone like me or President Jewitt. American is strong only when we fight as one. If people pay attention to the wrong battles or ignore orders are numbers are useless. The only source you should ever get orders from is the DoD, myself or the President.

EDEN cannot be everywhere at once nor can we expect to win every single battle. As in WW III regions will be lost and regained. Every EDEN citizen needs to remain calm. Eden will triumph it will just take time. Do not become enraged if you see troops fighting elsewhere. There is always a plan and we need to trust EDEN commanders to see us through this.

Anyone who doubts that it was our European allies who saved us in WW III is an idiot. Now we have been given a similar test. The US has to step up and do its part more than ever. EDEN is only strong when every nation is selfless and works for the good of the alliance, we must do that now.


-Gaius Julius
Proud Citizen of EDEN