The statistics of politics- World powers and what they believe

Day 1,078, 01:58 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Michael Crookes

The statistics of politics- World powers and what they believe

Hello eWorld!
Today I am bringing you some of the statistics behind the politics across the 65 of the 66 countries currently in existence in eRepublik (Russia is excluded from this article as it has not got a congress and its president has been banned). This article will be split into 2 sections; the first will be Presidential persuasion, and will relate to the Presidents political views whilst the second will look at the most powerful party in a congress and the breakdown of political beliefs within congress. Without further ado, let’s get on with the article!

Presidential persuasions

This pie chart refers to the political views of the party which the president of each country is in when the information was gathere😛

The “right wing” parties consist of both far right and centre right parties as do the left wing parties, whilst the undefined category refers to presidents who are currently not in a party at all.
As can be seen right wing and central parties account for the beliefs of around 75% of presidents between them, whilst only a very small number of presidents belong to political parties with undefined views (the presidents of Hungary and Turkey). However whilst the president is an important part of the working of government he still needs the support of the majority of congress in order to pass most legislation. Shockingly enough of the 57 presidents in the eWorld only 3 of them belong to parties which also have a majority in Congress. These three presidents are the president of the Czech Republic (whose party won 68% of seats in the congressional election) and the presidents of Norway and Slovenia, whose parties both hold 100% of seats in their respective congresses!!!

Congress breakdown

The pie chart below shows the political views of the party in each countries congress with received the most seats in the congress elections:

Once again right and left wing consist of both far and central parties on each wing, while undefined refers to parties which have not stated their political orientation on their pages
For whatever reason there seem to be far more left wing parties with the most seats than there were presidents, although there are still slightly less than right wing parties. Once again those with central political views seem to have the largest representation in the pie chart above.
The theme of slightly more representation from right wing parties than those on the left is also reflected in the overall political breakdown of congress. There are 14 countries in which the majority of congress is right wing compared to only 10 countries with left wing majorities in congress. Below are lists of the top 6 countries with the most left or right wing members of congress:

Most left wing:
1. eNew Zealand- 97% (percent of congress)
2. =eMalaysia- 90%
=eSingapore- 90 %
4. eIran- 77%
5. ePakistan- 71%
6. eUK- 69%

Most right wing:
1. eRepublic of Macedonia- 100% (percent of congress)
2. eBolivia- 95 %
3. eUkraine- 92%
4. eSerbia- 84%
5. eIndonesia- 72%
6. eRepublic of Moldova- 68%

As this article draws to a close I just want to share with you what I believe to be the three (well four really) most interesting political situations in the eWorld today:

In joint third place are eNorway and eSlovenia who are the only two nations to have 100% of congress holding the exact same political beliefs (eRepublic of Macedonia is 13% far right and 87 % centre right). Furthermore, in both situations the whole of congress is occupied by a single party!!!

In second place is eItaly. I have chosen eItaly as an interesting political situation because it is the country with the highest percentage of congress belonging to parties with unstated political beliefs at 46%. To further add to the interest, all of the remaining seats are owned by parties on the far left or far right of the political spectrum, meaning that there is not a single seat in the whole of Italy belonging to a centre right, centre or centre left party!!!

And the top spot goes to…eGREECE!!!!! I have picked eGreece because it is the only country in the eWorld which has 3 top parties in congress (i.e. 3 parties each with exactly 25% of congress). This means that the country is on a knife edge and it could go one of three ways in its future. Almost unbelievably, the three parties are also differ politically as much as they possibly could, with one party on the far right, another on the far left and a third in the centre. This ultimately makes eGreece the most fascinating of all political situations in my opinion

I hope this article has proven to be an interesting read for those of you who have been patient enough to read through it (or parts of it)! Until next time

Stay safe and play hard!