The statistics of politics- The CP elections of the world- November 2010

Day 1,082, 08:34 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Michael Crookes

Hello eWorld!
Today’s article will bring you all the latest statistics from the CP elections which took place yesterday across all 65 countries currently in eRepublik. We will be looking at the biggest and smallest wins along with the most interesting results and of course the PTO attempts against Russia and Portugal (see here)

Voting trends

I will begin with the encouraging news that the number of votes has increased since the last CP election in 46 of the 65 countries in the eWorld. This evidence points towards an increase in the number of people who are active (at least within the game itself if not on the forums, irc, e.t.c) which is good news for all who play eRepublik.

Below is a pie chart which shows the breakdown of the number of votes the presidents of each country received as a percentage of total votes:

As can clearly be seen by the pie chart there are more presidents who received 50-60% of the public vote than there are in any other category by a considerable quantity, while 21 presidents (almost a third) did not receive 50% or more of the votes. Oddly enough there were more presidents who received 70%-80% of the vote than there were presidents who received 60%-70% of the votes. Only one president received 100% of the votes, and that was the president of Norway (the only country where only one candidate stood). No country president was given less than 30% of the votes and the president who had the lowest percentage of the votes was the president of Spain with 30.15% of the votes.

The greatest and the smallest

Below are a list of the 5 counties whose presidents received the highest and lowest percentages of the votes:

5 countries whose presidents secured the highest percentage of the votes:
1. Norway- 100% (of the votes)
2. Republic of Macedonia- 94.07%
3. North Korea- 87.20%
4. New Zealand- 80.92%
5. India- 80.39%

5 countries whose presidents secured the lowest percentage of the votes:
1. Spain- 30.15% (of the votes)
2. Bulgaria- 35.43%
3. Belarus- 35.53%
4. Mexico- 37.55%
5. France- 37.61%

The country in which the most votes were cast was, perhaps unsurprisingly, Poland (2325 votes), while the country with the lowest turnout was Singapore (38 votes), which also has the president who received the least number of votes at 30. Once again very unsurprisingly considering recent events, the president who received the most votes was the president of Russia with 1148 votes.

The great PTO attempt

There were not one but two Phoenix countries which were targeted by EDEN in the CP elections, Portugal and Russia (as can be seen here). Both countries were under threat as they had both been invaded by enemy countries at the time of the congress elections and therefore had no members of congress and therefore anyone who moved to either country automatically became a citizen (and therefore got a vote). Russia was under larger threat (probably down to its rich regions) and more than 2000 people fought for Russia and in the end the Phoenix candidate came out on top by just under 2%. In Portugal the Phoenix candidate also won the day, with 67% of the total votes.

The statistics of politics-TOP 3

Today’s top three will be “Most interesting CP election results- November 2010”. I will decide on the three countries whose elections have been the most fascinating and reveal them to you below, along with my reasons for picking them, so here we go:

The country in the bronze medal position is Israel. Israel have been awarded third place simply because of how close their election results were, with just 3 votes separating the 2 candidates. This means that if two people had decided to vote against rather than for the current president then his rival would have taken the presidency!

For the second time in as many articles Greece appear in the top 3. The reason that Greece are in the top 3 is similar to the reason it came first in the last article which can be seen here. Greece currently has a 3 way tie for the majority of congress with three parties all possessing 25% of the candidates, one party far left, another centre and a third on the far right. However, surprisingly the candidate who won the election was not from a centre party (as you might expect) OR from any of the three parties who each hold 25% of congress, but from a fourth party, who are also a far right wing party. To put the icing on the cake, this candidate beat his nearest rival by more than 30%, suggesting that the political battle for Greece is, at the very least, being won by those on the far right.

And the winner of today’s top spot is…The Philippines!!! If you saw anything from the last CP elections you would understand that it was a huge event in the Philippines, as the last CP election was drawn between the top two candidates. This set the scene beautifully for this month’s elections, especially when the same two candidates put their names forward!!! In the end there was one vote between the two candidates as Paul Delos Santos took the top job, narrowly beating Jelly9473

That concludes today’s article, until next time,

Stay safe and play hard