The simplest of guides for V2

Day 962, 14:05 Published in Canada Sweden by Pakr
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V2 confusion
As far as I understand there is a request for guides to V2. Many feel confused by the many changes while others fear that the new found complexity will scare of new players. Therefore I decided to give it a go and write a small guide to the basics of V2. Don’t expect anything grand, but for now I hope it’ll do

Let’s jump to the basics, your profile. Now there are a few changes here that we’ll need to go through, most notably the new form of wellness, happiness and health. You’ll have no problem finding them and it will be crucial to keep track of them.

Full size

Health is mainly (not only) used when participating in a war. Happiness is needed when working, studying and training. We will dig in to this further as we progress in the article.

Other things to find on your profile page are amount of money (clicking “accounts”) and your inventory (by simply clicking “inventory”). These can easily be found right underneath your shouts. On the left side underneath your profile pic you can see your; company, party, newspaper, friends, location and citizenship. Further down under your achievements you can find your professions, skills and military rank.


This place you will visit every day. You will have four different areas to visit but only 24 hours to spend on all of them together. Remember that you can only visit each area once each day and once you used up your 24 hours there is no going back. For every hour you spend on a instance you will lose 1 happiness (except for the residential district, we'll explain this later) and on every instance you will lose 1 point of health (not residential district). Remember that the amount of health you lose will not be affected by how many hours you spend on that instance.

For example: if you study for 8 hours a day you will lose 8 happiness and 1 health.

Companies differ from the rest though, as the tier of the company also plays a part in how much health you will lose.

On every instance you will have the possibility to pay for “boosters”. These will give you useful bonuses but costs gold. There is a free bonus for every instance which you must choose in order to progress.

Earn your living

This is where you do your everyday work and earn cash. Not much is different from V1 except the earlier mentioned time management and bonuses. You will receive salary for every hour you work. If you for example have 2 USD in salary the amount of hours you work will multiply with 2 USD and the result will be your salary.

This is also where you go if you want to resign from your job.

Prepare for battle

On the training grounds you improve your skills in the four areas tank, infantry, helicopter and artillery. Not much to be said here that hasn’t already been mentioned. Just train and enjoy Lana in all her enormous beauty.

Knowledge is power

The amount of professions in erepublik has been increased drastically with V2, this is the place to increase your skill in any of them. In the library you simply chose a profession and increase your skill, higher skill in a profession means you can bargain for better salary. As usual you pick your profession, the amount of time you wanna spend and your bonus and you’re set to go!

You will receive an increase in your skill by just working as well but the bonus is far greater in the library then in the company though you won’t receive any cash when studying so you’ll have to think in long terms when studying.

"Chill out" with Lisa

This is the place to “relax with Lisa” and have “good fun”, in other words gain happiness. The amount of happiness you have will affect your productivity so you’ll probably have to spend a few hours everyday here. It can be wise to chill out before going to work if you start your day with low happiness.


Moving on to downtown, this holds the more complex parts of the game. The Party page, your newspaper, info on your country, chat rooms, Organizations and the ads page.You won’t have to spend any hours here and won’t lose happiness or health. It is all the same as in V1 except new layout.

Hope it helped, don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already 🙂
