The Sensei for Delaware!

Day 1,127, 13:36 Published in USA USA by The Sensei

My Congressional Platform

To my usual subscribers, I would appreciate the vote in this article and I'd appreciate a vote into congress from you as well. Message me if you can help out, I'll pay for tickets/food.

I will provide moving tickets and gifts to those who vote for me, so there is no loss in wellness. Please message me if interested (or even if you’re not, I still need your vote.

Running with the UIP, I hope to be the Senator from the great State of Delaware. On Day 1131, you know where I want your vote and I’m prepared to tell you why it should be there. Here are my opinions:

Last month, taxes went through a HUGE analysis in Congress and we came up with the following conclusion – our taxes work great. With the new rules that admin places on the eWorld, I cannot commit a vote towards or against higher taxes. It is important to remember that lower taxes = more money for you, but less money for the military. It’s a careful balance.

The Military Module

Obviously, war is the machine that drives this game. I don’t play this game to work and buy food, I play it to kill some Servians.

I want two basic things. One: I always want to have a battle open for our citizens, preferably one that they can take part in while states, which is always possible due to the MPP rules.

As a military man (in this game atleast), I know the importance of us. Our military sweeps battlefields and when faced with an deficit of 7 losses in the last 7 mini-battles, we pull through and win. Our military does an awesome job, end of story. Let’s keep funding it well.

On the subject of the military, I would like to throw out my support of our alliance with Brazil. We love you Brazil!

The Economy

"don't fix it if it hasn't broken yet" – someone famous.

Recruitment and Retainment

Our population stats are getting better, and I currently run an Academy with the UIP to educate new player. But we’re sending messages to citizens every day trying to get them to stay in the game, and its working. We can’t fix things that are working.


Congressman 3x
Director of the eUS Mentor Program x2 terms
Director of the UIP’s Academy
American Writer

Former Secretary of Communications for the UIP x2
Former Deputy Ambassador to Spain
Former Ambassador to Spain
Former CDP writer
Former Deputy of the Department of the Interior
Former Director of the Community Development Program
Former US Mentor
Former Business Owner


DEMOCRATS: This TEA Party isn't the same one as in real life

Another endorsement!

Thanks for reading. Please message me if you have anything you’d like for me to notice or represent as your (hopefully) future congressman. Please Vote and Subscribe!