The ROMANIANS Are Invading!

Day 461, 14:01 Published in USA USA by Erik Victor

As a candidate for Congress on Wednesday, I had planned to run a clean campaign in which I would outline my views on taxation and our military, but it has come to my attention today that both of my opponents in the state of Arkansas - including the incumbent - are foreigners, possibly both Romanian.

USWP candidate: Gregorius Maximus (newspaper articles are in an entirely different language, and the paper is listed as Romanian; check his friends list too - nearly all of his friends are Romanian)

AAP candidate (incumbent): Ion Ion (his shouts are all in a different language, many Romanian & Irish friends)

Why is it that these foreigners are running for Congress in the United States? Is this part of a foreign political invasion (as suggested by Scrabman)? To what extent this problem reaches, I haven't a clue, but I can assure the people of Arkansas and the U.S. that if I am elected on Wednesday I will launch an investigation into this possible political invasion.

Remember that a vote for Victor in Arkansas means lower income taxes and a strong military!