The Road to the Capitol: Election Eve Report

Day 886, 07:43 Published in USA Brazil by Rod Damon

The congressional race started wrapping up as the Top 5 parties confirmed their candidates and the FEC was reviewing and providing blockers as needed to fill in any gaps. It appears that the new FEC ATO Program is working to help keep our elections secure from infiltration by PTO candidates. As reported previously, the number six and seven parties, while invited, have chosen not to respond or participate.

There were no name changes of parties.
The top seven parties have all stayed in the same position
All parties have listed all of their candidates and all slots are filled.
FEC Blockers are being assigned into those slots where needed.

Party Presidents MUST qualify their candidates today.

FEC will be double checking candidate qualification later today.


As per the FEC ATO Program, each party verified their candidates and the FEC placed any blockers that were required for security.

The complete list of verified candidates can be viewed here.

FEC BLOCKERS: A total of 19 FEC Blockers were assigned. Please remember that FEC Blockers are not to be substituted for later in the process.

If you are interested in helping out by becoming an FEC Blocker, please send a pm and we will forward the sign up link.


Current Party Counts

APF – 1867 up from 1865
MTA – 934 down from 961
L.I.B.S. – 728 up from 715
Feds – 691 down from 699
UIP – 679 up from 690

Rep – 494 up from 435
Dem-Rep – 317 down from 323

Strategic Air Command
While there is a 196 difference between the #5 and # 6 parties, SAC is still advising citizens to please join the Feds or the UIP. It is imperative to national security that the current top five parties stay in the top five. If you have no personal preference for a party, please join the one currently in fifth position.
Only the top 5 parties listed above have followed the program to prevent PTO candidates from getting elected.
It is advised that all citizens not in a Top 5 party temporarily join the UIP or Feds for today to help prevent an upset. You can change back to your old party or no party tomorrow.
If any other party moves into the Top 5, it is CRITICAL that ALL USA citizens move into the party that got knocked out of the Top 5.

Party Presidents MUST qualify their candidates today.

Central Intelligence Agency
The CIA has received reports of negotiations between the Hungarian PTO squad and other parties. We are taking steps to prepare for a surge to replace a top 5 party. This is why it is critical that all USA citizens join the five parties approved and cooperating with the FEC ATO program.

Project C.A.R.E.
Project C.A.R.E. has received reports concerning the probable existence of multiple accounts that may be put into play. CARE is already at work in keeping track of party rosters. It has agents standing by to begin submitting tickets to report suspected cheating.

Please make sure to subscribe to this paper for updates on the election and all PTO/ATO matters.

Remember America, get involved to help protect our elections.