The Rise and Fall of the Greek Empire

Day 1,273, 03:21 Published in Egypt Egypt by Franz Kafka

Greeks, Egyptians, Brits (that’d be me!), Croats, and people from all over the world built this country. We made it the most successful country in the new region, we successfully kept it non-aligned from the grand alliances.

Now your greed for power and expansion has made you blind to the long-term survival of your empire. You force those that would be your friends into the arms of your enemies. You sow the seeds of your ultimate demise.

If we remain erased from the map for the congress elections, eEgypt will emerge from this as a PTO’d country – we will become a pawn of the grand alliances, and a seed of instability on your southern border. I doubt you will be the biggest victim of this – you are large and powerful, your home regions will be easily defended. But I fear that your brothers in eIsrael will suffer the greatest burden as it will be them that are most easily targeted by your enemies as they occupy Egyptian congress and lands.

Undoubtedly the MPP vote with FYR Macedonia will be pasted to the comments of this article. As if somehow this is justification for this act of collective punishment and annihilation. Or perhaps someone will tell us how lucky we are to have been handed such a great platform for a babyboom campaign. Well I can imagine just how many minutes real Egyptians will stay engaged in a game where they’re born into occupied territory.

Congratulations. Today you made an enemy of a country that Greeks and Croats built. And your allies and ultimately you shall bare the cost if it.

Franz Kafka